"What Do I Need to Know About Dietary Supplements?"
Nowadays, with so much information, but also with more access to the freedom to express our thoughts and opinions, we see everything on social media. The problem is that there are people who write and speak about subjects that they are not experts on, and this can create conflicts even for the health of the people who are listening and following. Let's demystify some controversies about dietary supplementation?
Image owned by Lifestyle Unstoppable.
Let’s start with some myths…
1. “Food supplements are only for those who go to the gym.”
No. Many people associate supplements with gaining muscle mass, but, in fact, a multivitamin like Unstoppable, for example, can be part of everyday life for both a person who exercises and someone who doesn't. Yes, there are other products that can help you better as a “pre-workout,” or “post-workout,” but we need to know how to differentiate them.
2. “If I use supplements, I don’t need to focus so much on my diet.”
Wrong. In fact, the first thing you need to do is go to a nutritionist. Regardless of your goal, be it gaining, losing, or maintaining weight, normally the first thing the professional will do with you is take an anamnesis, order some tests and based on what you are looking for, if he is unable to fit the necessary amount of micronutrients, of the eating plan he will create for you, then he can start supplementing if necessary.
In nutrition, we view the supplement as “UL.” The UL is nothing more than the “limit” that you can consume of that micronutrient. In other words, if you always consume the maximum amount of that micronutrient, plus everyday foods, without having an idea of the exact amount you are ingesting (which is normal), you will easily have a non-decreased value of that micronutrient (it will be above the normal), consequently having health problems. Therefore, Unstoppable recommends always consulting healthcare professionals for better guidance. Your health is crucial to us.
3. “You only take supplements if you are weak.”
It's one thing to be weak, it's another to have a nutrient deficiency. As previously stated, the supplement can offer the limit of that micronutrient. A great example is for people who cannot easily obtain vitamin B12 in their daily lives, like vegans, for example. Although there are other sources of vitamin B12, in practice, it is very difficult to consume a food that has the same amount or more of protein as meat offers. Therefore, many nutritionists, in addition to taking care of the vegan's diet, will also recommend supplementation to help with this nutrient “gain”. In other words, the food and the supplement will go hand in hand.
Another example, it can also be for people who have low iron, like me. As I have Mediterranean anemia, in addition to taking care of my diet, I use the Unstoppable women's multivitamin. My periods were heavy due to the lack of iron. Working on better food options and supplementation, my cramps decreased by 80%. (If you want to know more about this subject, click here to read the article “What does your diet have to do with your period?” that I wrote about it.)
And what can we say?
1. Supplementation can help you
For each person, their body demands one thing. Depending on your case, taking supplements can help you lead a more balanced and healthy life.
2. There is no point in using supplements if you don’t take care of your insides
I don't criticize people who take care of their aesthetics, after all, we can't be hypocrites and say that we don't take care of them. I care, why would I judge someone for that? However, health goes much further than aesthetics. The supplement won't have any effect if you live on McDonald's and Coca-Cola, I'm sorry. For the supplement to work, you need to help yourself. Yes, change eating habits, get out of a sedentary lifestyle, focus on more nutritious and less ultra-processed foods. You're just throwing your money away if you buy supplements and don't take care of other areas.
3. Supplement is not a sentence.
In every moment of our life, there are natural changes. There will be phases when your iron will be great, and your vitamin E will be terrible. As there will be phases in which there is no need for supplementation. In other words, you will not take supplements every day of your life. It all depends on your case, your health condition, and what the professional thinks is best for you. So avoid spontaneously buying products that, in reality, you may not even need. Remembering that supplements are not intended to cure or treat diseases. Talk to your nutritionist and other health professionals for guidance.
Written by Victoria Parada Daros
Health Coach
Instagram: @victoriaparadad
Visit our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram @unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy everyday tips.

Nowadays, with so much information, but also with more access of freedom to express our thoughts and opinions, we see everything on social media. The problem is that there are people who write and talk about subjects they are not experts on, and this can generate conflicts even for the health of the people who are listening and following. Let's demystify some controversies about food supplementation?

Let's start with some myths...
1. “Food supplementation is only for those who go to the gym.”
No. Many people associate supplements with gaining muscle mass, but in fact, a multivitamin like Unstoppable, for example, can be part of everyday life for both a person who does physical exercise and one who doesn't. Yes, there are other products that can help you better as a “pre-workout,” or “post-workout,” but we need to know how to differentiate between them.
2. “If I use supplements, I don't need to focus so much on my food.”
Wrong. In fact, the first thing you need to do is see a nutritionist. Regardless of your goal, whether to gain, lose, or maintain weight, usually the first thing the professional will do with you is an anamnesis, ask for some tests and based on what you are looking for, in case he cannot fit the necessary amount of micronutrients, of the food plan that he will create for you, then he can go for a supplement if there is a need.
In nutrition, we see the supplement as “UL.” The UL is nothing more than the “limit” you can consume of such a micronutrient. That is, if you always consume the most of that micronutrient, plus everyday foods, without having a notion of the exact amount you are ingesting (which is normal), you will easily have an unheated value of that micronutrient (it will be above the normal), consequently having health problems. Therefore, Unstoppable always recommends consulting healthcare professionals for better guidance. Your health is crucial to us.
3. “You only take a supplement if you are weak.”
One thing is to be weak, and another to have a nutrient deficiency. As stated earlier, the supplement can offer the limit of that micronutrient. A great example is for people who cannot easily obtain vitamin B12 in their daily lives, such as vegans, for example. Although there are other sources of vitamin B12, in practice, it is very difficult to consume a food that has the same amount or more of protein that meat offers. Therefore, many nutritionists, in addition to taking care of the vegan's food, will also recommend a supplementation to assist in this nutrient "gain". That is, food and supplement will go hand in hand.
Another example can also be for people who have low iron, like me. As I have Mediterranean anemia, in addition to taking care of my diet, I use the Unstoppable multivitamin for women. My period was heavy due to lack of iron. Working on the best food options and supplementation, my cramping has gone down by 80%. (If you want to know more about this topic, click here to read the article “What does your diet have to do with your period?” that I wrote about.)
So what can we say?
1. Supplementation can help you
For each person, their organism requires something. Depending on your case, making use of supplementation can help you to have a more balanced and healthy life.
2. It's no use making use of supplements if you don't take care of the inside
I don't criticize people who take care of aesthetics, after all, we can't be hypocritical to say we don't care. I do, why would I judge someone for that? However, health goes far beyond aesthetics. The supplement will have no effect if you live off McDonald's and soda, I'm sorry. For the add-in to work, you need to help yourself. Yes, change eating habits, get out of a sedentary lifestyle, focus on more nutritious and less ultra-processed foods. You're just throwing your money away if you buy supplements and don't take care of the other areas.
3. Supplement is not sentence
In every moment of our life, there are natural changes. There will be phases when your iron will be great and your vitamin E will be terrible. As there will be phases that there is no need for supplementation. That is, you will not take supplements every day of your life. It all depends on your case, your health condition, and what the healthcare professional thinks is best for you. So avoid buying products of your own free will that, in reality, you may not even need. Remembering that supplements are not intended to cure or treat diseases. Talk to your nutritionist and other health professionals for guidance.
Written by Victoria Parada Daros
Health Coach
Instagram: @victoriaparadad
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions contact by email lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )
Check it out our “Catalog,” to buy your vitamins, and follow us on Instagram
@unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy daily tips.
"What Do I Need to Know About Dietary Supplements?"
Today, with so much information, but also with more access to the freedom to express our thoughts and opinions, we see it all on social networks. The problem is that there are people who write and talk about topics in those who are not experts, and they can generate conflicts up to the health of those people who listen and follow. Let us demystify some controversies about dietary supplementation?
Image owned by Lifestyle Unstoppable.
Let's tackle some myths...
1. “Food supplementation is only for anyone at the gym.”
No. Many people associate supplements with gaining muscle mass, but indeed, a multivitamin like Unstoppable, for example, can be part of the day to day for both a person who exercises physically and one who doesn't. Yes, there are other products that can help you better as “pre-training” or “post-training”, but you have to know how to differentiate them.
2. “If I use supplements, I don’t need to focus so much on my food.”
Wrong. First of all, the first thing you should do is see a nutritionist. Regardless of your objective, whether you want to gain weight, lose or maintain weight, normally the first thing you do with you is an anamnesis, asking you for some tests and based on what you are looking for, for you cannot fit the necessary amount of micronutrients, Of the nutrition plan that will be created for you, you can go and add a supplement if there is a need.
In nutrition, we see the supplement as "UL". The UL is no more than the "limit" that you can consume of that micronutrient. In other words, if you always consume the maximum amount of this micronutrient, more than everyday foods, without having an idea of the exact amount you are ingesting (which is normal), you will easily have an average value of this micronutrient (it will be above normal ), resulting in health problems. Therefore, Unstoppable always recommends consulting health professionals for better guidance. Your health is crucial for us.
3. “Only take a supplement if you are weak”.
One thing is being weak and the other is having a nutrient deficiency. As previously indicated, the supplement can offer the limit of this micronutrient. A great example is for people who cannot easily obtain vitamin B12 in their daily lives, like vegans, for example. Even though there are other sources of vitamin B12, in practice it is very difficult to consume a food that has the same amount of protein as meat. Therefore, many nutritionists, in addition to taking care of vegan nutrition, will also recommend a supplement to help with the “gain” of this nutrient. That's it, food and the supplement will come from my hand.
Another example could also be for people who have little hierarchy, like you. As I have Mediterranean anemia, in addition to taking care of my diet, I use the Unstoppable multivitamin for women. My rule was heavy due to the lack of hierarchy. Working on the best food and supplement options, our troubles have been reduced by 80%. (If you want to know more about this topic, click here to read the article “What does it mean to see your diet with your period?” that I wrote).
What can we decide?
1. Supplementation can help you
For each person, their organism requires something. Depending on your case, using supplements can help you have a more balanced and healthy life.
2. There’s no point in using supplements if you don’t take care of your insides.
I don't criticize people who care about aesthetics, after all, we can't be hypocrites to decide that it doesn't matter to us. I care, why would you judge someone for that reason? However, health is much more than aesthetics. The supplement will not be effective if you live on McDonald's and Coca Cola, I feel it. For the add-on to work, you need help yourself. Yes, change eating habits, get rid of a sedentary lifestyle, focus on more nutritious and less ultra-processed foods. You're taking away your money if you buy supplements and don't take care of other areas.
3. The supplement is not a prayer
In every moment of our life, there are natural changes. There will be phases in which your strength will be excellent and your vitamin E will be terrible. As there will be phases in which there is no need for supplementation. That is to say, you will not take supplements every day of your life. It all depends on your case, on your state of health and on what the professional believes is best for you. This is why you avoid buying products on your own volition that, in reality, you may not even need. Remembering that supplements are not intended to cure or treat illnesses. Contact your nutritionist and other health professionals to obtain guidance.
Written by Victoria Parada Daros
Health Coach
Instagram: @victoriaparadad
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions, contact by email: lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )
Join our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram @unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy tips for everyday life.