When was the last time you did something for the first time? Where to start it? Defining one focus at a time is a strategy that helps us to see our projects in a macro view, because embracing the world is not easy. In fact, it is very likely that you will be frustrated with this mission, since it is not possible to achieve everything at the same time. From there we can build the micro, the day to day, focusing and defining goals and priorities separately. Being constant is the first step in making any practice (both personal and professional) a habit.
In general, physical activity should provide the 'minimum of well-being' (sometimes during the practice the feeling of discomfort can be experienced, fatigue and others, however the post moment can be comforting), in addition to promoting skills such as cardiorespiratory resistance fitness, muscular endurance, strength, power, flexibility, coordination, agility, speed, balance and precision. We may have specific goals in terms of fitness or performance, however, visualizing our macro, we want to be healthy and functional, to be able to stay active until our old age.
Image owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable.
Choosing the 'perfect activity' can be approached on the principle of being able to possess different athletic abilities, such as 'cycling, running, swimming and rowing over short, medium and long distances' (CrossFit Level 1 Training Guide), or that is , we want to have several motor skills added together. Which indicates that we can do strength exercises with external load (bars, plates, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls), with body weight (gymnastic movements of pushing, pulling and squatting) and monostructural (running, rowing, pedaling, jumping rope, etc. )
Image by Andreza Ribeiro.
Another important principle, which will guarantee us a complete stimulus, is the intensity with which we train (we understand intensity as a marker of physiological and mental tolerance). Exposure to intensity is a crucial factor in improving general physical conditioning, however it is relative, that is, it can vary according to physical tolerance (functional capacity that the individual has) and mental tolerance (ability to be exposed to the discomfort), and these skills are trainable, that is, capable of evolving.
The perfect activity should above all be an experience (any knowledge gained through the senses) that allows you to learn something new every day.
Written by Andreza Ribeiro
CREF: 090492-G/SP
When was the last time you hicisted something for the first time? Where to start? Defining a focus at a time is a strategy that helps us see our projects from a macro vision, because embracing the world is not easy. Of course, it is very likely that you feel frustrated with this mission, as it is not possible to achieve it all at the same time. From there we can build it micro, day by day, focusing and defining objectives and priorities separately. Being constant is the first step to converting any practice (both personal and professional) into a habit.
In general, physical activity must provide the 'minimum of well-being' (on occasions during practice one can experience the sensation of malaise, tiredness and the like, however the later moment can be comforting), in addition to promoting skills such as resistance fitness cardiorespiratory, muscular resistance, strength, power, flexibility, coordination, agility, speed, balance and precision. We can have specific goals regarding physical condition and performance, however, viewing our macro, we want to be healthy and functional, to be able to keep us active until now.
Image owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable.
The selection of 'perfect activity' can address the principle of being able to pose different athletic skills, such as 'cycling, running, swimming and rowing over short, medium and long distances' (CrossFit Level 1 Training Guide), which is, We want to have several fine motor skills. This indicates that we can perform strength exercises with an external load (bars, discs, hand weights, weights, medical balloons), with body weight (gymnastic movements of pushing, pulling and pushing on cuclillas) and monostructural (running, rowing, pedaling, jump the tail, etc.)
Image by Andreza Ribeiro.
Another important principle, which will guarantee us a complete stimulus, is the intensity with which we enter (we understand intensity as a marker of physiological and mental tolerance). Exposure to intensity is a crucial factor in improving general physical conditioning, but it is relative, and in fact, it can vary depending on physical tolerance (the functional capacity of the individual) and mental tolerance (the ability to expose oneself to discomfort), y these skills are trainable, and in other words, capable of evolving.
The perfect activity must be primarily an experience (any knowledge obtained through the senses) that allows you to learn something new every day.
Written by Andreza Ribeiro
CREF: 090492-G/SP
When was the last time you did something for the first time? Where to start? Defining one focus at a time is a strategy that helps us see our projects from a macro perspective, as embracing the world is not easy. In fact, it is very likely that you will be frustrated with this mission, since it is not possible to achieve everything at the same time. From there we can build the micro, day to day, focusing and defining goals and priorities separately. Being constant is the first step to making any practice (both personal and professional) a habit.
In general, physical activity should provide a 'minimum of well-being' (sometimes during practice you may experience a feeling of discomfort, fatigue and the like, however the post-moment can be comforting), in addition to promoting skills such as resistance cardiorespiratory, muscular endurance, strength, power, flexibility, coordination, agility, speed, balance and precision. We may have specific goals regarding physical fitness or performance, however, viewing our macro, we want to be healthy and functional, having the ability to remain active until our old age.
Image owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable.
Choosing the 'perfect activity' can be approached with the principle of being able to possess different athletic capabilities, such as 'cycling, running, swimming and rowing over short, medium and long distances' (CrossFit Level 1 Training Guide), or In other words, we want to have several motor skills combined. This indicates that we can do strength exercises with an external load (bars, plates, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls), with body weight (gymnastic movements of pushing, pulling and squatting) and monostructural exercises (running, rowing, cycling, jumping rope, etc. ).
Image by Andreza Ribeiro.
Another important principle, which will guarantee us complete stimulation, is the intensity with which we train (we understand intensity as a marker of physiological and mental tolerance). Exposure to intensity is a crucial factor in improving general physical conditioning, however it is relative, that is, it can vary according to physical tolerance (functional capacity that the individual presents) and mental tolerance (ability to expose oneself to discomfort), these skills being trainable, that is, capable of evolving.
The perfect activity must, above all, be an experience (any knowledge obtained through the senses), which allows you to learn something new, every day.
Written by Andreza Ribeiro
CREF: 090492-G/SP
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