- "The first 1000 days- (PART I)."
A child's first 1000 days include pregnancy and last until 2 years of age. During this period, the events that occur will have a great impact on the modulation, positive or negative, of the genetic inheritance received by the parents. Science today sees this moment as a window of opportunity for interventions that will bring benefits for the rest of your life, reducing or even preventing the emergence of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and other problems such as mental health.
Baby care begins well before birth, as the environment in which the baby is created influences the entire programming of its genetic makeup. Did you know that a woman's condition in the 3 months prior to pregnancy already affects the child's future? However, “only” the 9 months of pregnancy are included in the count of the first 1000 days.
Care during pregnancy:
- Pregnant women must have adequate nutrition in terms of number of calories and variety of nutrients, in addition to iron, folic acid, vitamin D and omega 3 supplementation. However, other replacements may be indicated according to the diet and deficiencies in specific cases, such as vegetarian mothers, who should also use vitamin B12.
- Smoking, alcohol and drug consumption during pregnancy directly impact the baby's health. Therefore, when a pregnant woman smokes, for example, the umbilical cord narrows to prevent the baby from being contaminated by cigarettes. But this way, the baby also ends up receiving less nutrients.
- There is a specific vaccination schedule to be carried out in order to avoid certain diseases in the mother and baby. At a minimum, pregnant women must be immunized against hepatitis B, diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus (acellular triple bacterial infection or dTPa) and influenza. However, other vaccines may be indicated according to the epidemiological situation (in outbreaks, for example) or the patient's medical history.
- The pregnant woman's mental health should always be assessed, taking into account that postpartum mood changes are due, in some cases, to the worsening of milder states of depression or anxiety already present before pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women should be advised to maintain ongoing psychiatric treatments, as there are known to be safe medications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is of fundamental importance to plan the support network for the postpartum period, a very challenging phase in a woman's life.
- It is recommended to maintain regular physical activity , in order to maintain cardiovascular performance and regulation of metabolism, in addition to contributing to mental health, the importance of which has already been mentioned.
In the next article, I will talk about the moment from birth to the 2nd year of life. Wait for the second part.
Written by Dr. José Roberto Lutti Filho.
Specialist in Pediatrics and Neonatology
(CRM: 108147-SP)
Visit our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram@unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy everyday tips.
"The First 1000 days- (PART I)."
The first 1000 days of a child include pregnancy and last until the age of 2. During this period events occurring will have a major impact on the modulation, positive or negative, of the genetic inheritance received by the parents. Science today sees this time as a chance for interventions that will bring benefits for the rest of life, reducing or even preventing the onset of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and other problems such as mental health.
The care of the baby begins well before its birth, because the environment in which the baby is born influences the entire programming of its genetic load. Did you know that the woman's conditions in the 3 months prior to pregnancy already interfere with the child's future? However, the first 1000 days are counted "only" the 9 months of pregnancy.
Care during pregnancy:
- The pregnant woman should have adequate nutrition in quantity of calories and variety of nutrients, in addition to the supplementation of iron, folic acid, vitamin D and omega 3. However, other replacements may be indicated according to the diet and deficiencies in specific cases, such as vegetarian mothers, who should also take vitamin B12.
- Smoking, alcohol consumption, and drugs during pregnancy have a direct impact on the baby's health. Therefore, when the pregnant woman smokes, for example, the umbilical cord narrows to prevent the baby from being contaminated by cigarettes. However, this way, the baby also ends up receiving less nutrients.
- There is a proper vaccination schedule to be performed in order to prevent certain diseases in mother and baby. As a minimum, the pregnant woman should be immunized against hepatitis B, diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus (acellular bacterial triplex or dTPa), and influenza. However, other vaccines may be indicated according to the epidemiological situation (in outbreaks, for example) or the patient's medical history.
- The pregnant woman's mental health must always be evaluated, taking into account that postpartum mood swings are due, in part of the cases, to the worsening of milder states of depression or anxiety already present before pregnancy. Thus, the pregnant woman must be oriented to maintain psychiatric treatments in course, because it is known that there are safe medications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is of fundamental importance to plan the support network for the puerperium, a very challenging phase in a woman's life.
- Regular physical activity is recommended in order to maintain cardiovascular performance and metabolism regulation, in addition to the contribution to mental health, the importance of which has already been mentioned.
In the next article, I will talk about the time from birth to 2 years of life. Soon, the second part will be available.
Written by Dr. José Roberto Lutti Filho.
Specialist in Pediatrics and Neonatology
(CRM: 108147-SP)
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions contact by email lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )
Check out our “Catalog,” to buy your vitamins, and follow us on Instagram
@unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy daily tips.
The first 1000 days of a child include the embarrassment and last until 2 years of age. During this period, the events that occurred can have a great impact on the modulation, positive or negative, of the genetic inheritance received by the priests. Science now sees this moment as an opportunity to carry out interventions that provide benefits for the rest of life, reducing or even preventing the emergence of chronic non-communicable illnesses (ENT) and other problems such as mental health.
Baby care begins long before birth, because the environment in which it is generated influences the programming of its genetic load. Did you know that the woman's conditions in the previous 3 months were embarrassing and interfering with the child's future? However, the first 1000 days are "only" 9 months of embarrassment.
Care during embarrassment:
- The embarassed woman must have adequate nutrition in terms of calories and a variety of nutrients, in addition to supplementation of iron, folic acid, vitamin D and omega 3. However, other substitutes may be indicated to help with her diet and deficiencies In specific cases, such as vegetarian mothers, they should also take vitamin B12.
- Smoking, alcohol consumption and drug use during embarassment have a direct impact on baby health. Therefore, when an embarassed woman smokes, for example, the umbilical cord tightens to prevent the baby from becoming contaminated with cigarettes. However, in this way, the baby also ends up receiving less nutrients.
- There is an appropriate vaccination schedule to avoid certain illnesses in the mother and baby. As a minimum, embarassed women must be vaccinated against hepatitis B, diphtheria/cholera/tetanus (acellular bacterial triplex or dTPa) and influenza. However, other vaccines may be indicated based on the epidemiological situation (in shoots, for example) or the patient's clinical history.
- The mental health of the embarrasment must always be evaluated, taking into account that changes in postpartum mood are due, in some cases, to the worsening of states of depression or milder anxiety that were present before the embarrasment. Therefore, embarassed women should be advised to keep psychiatric treatments ongoing, as long as they know that there are safe medications for use during embarrassment and lactation. It is essential to plan the support network for the postpartum period, a very difficult phase in the lives of women.
- Regular physical activity is recommended to maintain cardiovascular performance and metabolism regulation, in addition to contributing to mental health, the importance of which has already been mentioned.
In the next article, I will talk about the time that has passed since his birth up to 2 years of life. The second part of the article will be ready available.
Written by Dr. José Roberto Lutti Filho.
Specialist in Pediatrics and Neonatology.
(CRM: 108147-SP)
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions, contact by email:
lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )
Join our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram@unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy tips for everyday life.