"What is myth and truth regarding the topic of breast cancer"? Nutrition, mastology, psychoanalysis, and physical activity tell you!"
We all know the importance of Pink October. But so, do we know what is true or myth about breast cancer? Through a partnership with Pink Target, we chose some information answered by the interviewees (health professionals) from the 2021 lives, to tell you!
Myths and the moment of truth…
1. “Weight does not influence the possibility of breast cancer.”
Answer: “Those who control their weight have a lower risk of cancer.” Dr. Anastásio.
2. “You can only have breast cancer if someone in your family has had it.”
Answer: “Genetic breast cancer that passes from mother to child only affects 5% of women.” Dr. Anastásio. In other words, it is possible for you to have breast cancer, regardless of whether someone in your family has had it or not.
3. “Every nodule is the same.”
Answer: “The bigger the nodule, the bigger the surgery. The treatment is more aggressive.” That’s why Dr. Anastásio always says: “The earlier the diagnosis, the greater the chance of a cure.”
4. “There are no forms of prevention in food.”
Answer: “ It is important to consume:
- Vitamin A;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamin E (fats like avocado, seeds, and olive oil.) They are anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants. Lycopene (present in tomato sauce, more than in the tomato itself);
- Copper, zinc, selenium;
- Omega-3 (salmon, sardines, fish in general, and flaxseed). The amount we consume daily is not enough for what we need to be anti-inflammatory. Therefore, the ideal is to supplement it. From the age of 30, it can be recommended. Because we don’t have omega, which is super fundamental as a great inflammatory agent.” Simone Carrera.
5. “There is no food that accelerates breast cancer.”
Answer: “Industrialized as preservatives, with dyes, lots of sodium, fat, and sugar accelerate cancer. They potentiate and give strength to the tumor. Ultra-processed products are the villains like pesticides. However, we understand that nowadays eating only organic foods is impossible. In other words, the more natural it can be, the better for prevention.” Simone Carrera.
6. “There is no relationship between psychoanalytic treatment for patients with breast cancer.”
Answer: “The importance of not just one section, but the importance of psychological treatment, psychoanalytic treatment for cancer patients is fundamental. The doctor, with medicine, will treat the diseased organ, he will treat it depending on the stage of the cancer it is in, or with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc. Psychoanalytic treatment will enable the patient to talk about herself, but not just about the disease. "How's your life?" “What are your desires?”
Talking about what is sick today can allow you to regain desires that have been repressed. The lack of desire prevents people from leaving their place. “Those who don’t have a goal don’t know where to go.” The treatment allows the person to talk about the past, the “now”, and the future, so that they (the patient) have perspectives and strength to face this difficult time.” Andreneide Dantas.
7. “Talking about it only makes it worse.”
Answer: “What we don’t put into words comes straight into our body.” Andreneide Dantas.
8. “If you have cancer, you cannot do physical activity.”
Answer: “You can and you should. People with breast cancer should exercise, but always with caution and with the guidance of a doctor, supervised by a professional in the field.” Elaine Tanganeli.
9. “These patients should avoid walking.”
Answer: “If the doctor says the patient is fine and if the doctor allows it, the patient may begin to:
- To walk;
- Swap the car for your legs, if possible; (This goes for everyone).
- Riding a bicycle, if approved by the doctor (as you are not making movements with your arm). However, of course: everything within your limits.
This needs to be daily, to become a habit, to become pleasurable. Studies show that physical activity is health. If she (patient) does physical activity for 30 minutes daily, it already has a huge impact on her recovery. 20%, studies show, that it can prevent cancer. If you already have cancer, you have a 20% chance of it not coming back.” Elaine Tanganeli.
Tips and other facts that professionals tell you:
“What is another simple prevention method for breast cancer?”
Answer: “Breastfeeding (for more than 1 year), but getting pregnant early (before age 25), provides protection for the woman. Each year of breastfeeding decreases her personal chance by 4-6%.” Dr. Anastásio Berrettini.
“What’s wrong with contraceptives?”
Answer: “There is no increased chance of cancer. Many times, women who take contraceptives do not get pregnant and do not breastfeed. She loses her protection.” Dr. Anastásio Berretini.
“What are the cheapest and most accessible foods for people treating cancer?”
Answer: “ Look at the harvest. Everything available in the harvest is the cheapest available at that moment. Carrots, beets, pumpkin (yields a lot and are super cheap), oranges, and broccoli, for example. (Red fruits are more expensive.)” Simone Carrera.
“I’ve lost my appetite/I have trouble swallowing.”
Answer: "With the diagnosis of cancer, it is natural for patients to be shaken by the news. On some occasions, depression can also come into these people's lives. Therefore, it is ideal to prepare a beautiful dish, with bright colors to satisfy the patient .
For nausea: Drink less water while eating.
Difficulty swallowing: Drinking more liquids, or softer foods. For juice and smoothies: Increase to have a greater intake of fiber, this way, we still get the nutrients.” Simone Carrera.
“What is the difference between psychological and analytical treatment?”
“Should I tell people I was diagnosed?”
Answer: “We need to understand that we are not always “strong.” Being ourselves, human beings, and not thinking that we are machines, that we cannot share, is essential. That's why it's important to talk to friends, children, and professionals. Because with each person, the way you talk will always be different. As human beings, we need to speak up.” Andreneide Dantas.
“Should I tell my children that I have cancer? What to do?"
Answer: “Women with minor children: have a lot of difficulty managing the situation. However, if the adult does not explain the situation to the child, he or she may fantasize. You will hear school friends, for example, saying that someone in their family who had cancer passed away. Therefore, you will think that the same thing will necessarily happen, for example. Talking about the truth is essential. Of course, it is important that it is slow, planned, and calm in its proper way.” Andreneide Dantas.
“How will physical activity help me, and how can I continue?”
Answer: “This has a huge impact. One of them is the relief of pain, tiredness, anxiety, strengthening your immune system, controlling your weight (as some medications can change your weight). Physical activity depends on which treatment you are undergoing, the type (radio, chemo, etc.), the patient's age, how she was approached, what medications she is taking, whether she has any comorbidities, etc.
Anamnesis: this is what health professionals do to understand who that individual is (the patient's history). This work must be individualized.” Elaine Tanganeli.
IMPORTANT TO EMPHASIZE: If you notice any peculiarities in the breasts, armpits, or around the region, check and consult with your health professionals. It is important to always seek annual exams and ask these professionals for help. This text is not a diagnosis. It was created to clarify some doubts and false ideas that many people may have. Therefore, we recommend talking individually with your healthcare professional, and remember: you are not alone.
To contact the authors:
Dr. Anastásio Berrettini- Mastologist.
(CRM: 94273- SP.)
Instagram: Dr. Anastásio Berrettini
Simone Carrera- Nutritionist.
(CRN: 7532)
Instagram: @nutri_simonecarrera
Andreneide Dantas- Psychoanalyst.
Instagram: @andreneidedantas
Elaine Tanganeli- Physical educator
(CREF4- 034266-G/SP)
Instagram: @elainetanganeli

We all know the importance of pink October. But so, do we know what is true or myth about breast cancer? Through a partnership with Pink Target, we chose some information answered by respondents (health professionals) from the 2021 live streams, to tell you!
Myths and the moment of the truth…
1. “Weight does not influence the possibility of breast cancer.”
Answer: “Whoever has control of their weight, has a lower risk of cancer.” Dr. Anastasio.
2. “You can only get breast cancer if someone in your family has it.”
Answer: “Genetic breast cancer that passes from mother to child only affects 5% of women.” Dr. Anastasio says. That is, it is possible for you to have breast cancer, regardless of whether someone in your family has had it or not.
3. “Every node is the same.”
Answer: “The bigger the nodule, the bigger the surgery. More aggressive is the treatment.” Therefore, that Dr. Anastasio always says: “The earlier the diagnosis, the greater the chance of cure.”
4. “There are no forms of prevention in food.”
Answer: “It is important to consume:
- Vitamin;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamin E (Fats like avocado, seeds, and olive oil.) They are anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. Lycopene (present in tomato sauce, more than in the tomato itself);
- Copper, zinc, selenium;
- Omega-3 (salmon, sardines, fish in general, and flaxseed). The amount we consume daily is not enough for what we need to be anti-inflammatory. Therefore, the ideal is to supplement it. From the age of 30, it can be recommended. Because we don't have the omega, which is super fundamental as a great inflammatory.” Simone Carrera.
Answer: “Industrialized as preservatives, with food coloring, lots of sodium, fat, and sugar accelerate cancer. They potentiate and give strength to the tumor. Ultra-processed are the villains like pesticides. However, we understand that nowadays having an only organic diet is impossible. In other words, the more natural it can be, the better for prevention.” Simone Carrera.
6. “There is no relationship to a psychoanalytic treatment for breast cancer patients.”
Answer: “The importance not only of a section, but the importance of a psychological treatment, a psychoanalytic treatment for cancer patients is fundamental. The doctor, with medicine, will treat the diseased organ, he will treat it depending on the stage of cancer in which it is, or with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc. Psychoanalytic treatment will allow the patient to talk about herself, but not only about the disease. "How's your life?" “What are your wishes?” Talking about what is sick today can allow you to summarize desires that were repressed. The lack of desire makes people not leave the place. Who has no aim, does not know where to go.” The treatment allows the person to talk about the past, the “now”, and the future, so that he (patient) has perspectives and strength to face this difficult time.” Andreneide Dantas.
7. “Talking about it only makes it worse.”
Answer: "What we don't put into words, comes straight to our body." Andreneide Dantas.
8. “If you have cancer, you cannot do physical activity.”
Answer: “Can and should. The person with breast cancer should exercise, but always with caution and under the guidance of a doctor, being supervised by a professional from the field.” Elaine Tanganeli.
9. “These patients should avoid walking.”
Answer: “If the doctor says the patient is okay and if he/she allows it, the patient can start to:
- walk;
- Swap the car for the legs, if possible; (This works for everyone).
- Riding a bicycle, if approved by the doctor (since you are not making arm movements). However, of course: everything within its limits.
This needs to be done everyday, to become a habit, to become pleasurable. Studies show that physical activity is health . If she (patient) does 30 minutes of physical activity daily, it already has a giant impact on her recovery. 20%, studies show, that it can prevent cancer. If she already has the cancer, she has a 20% higher chance that it won't come back." Elaine Tanganeli.
Tips and other facts the healthcare professionals tell you:

“What is another simple breast cancer prevention method?”
Answer: “Breastfeeding (for more than 1 year) but getting pregnant early (before age 25) provides protection for a woman. Each year of breastfeeding decreases her personal chance by 4-6%.” Dr. Anastasio Berrettini.
"What's wrong with birth control?"
Answer: “There is no increased chance of cancer. Often the woman who takes contraceptives, does not get pregnant, does not breastfeed. She loses her protection.” Dr. Anastasio Berretini.
“What are the cheapest and most accessible foods for people treating cancer?”
Answer: “See the harvest. Everything you have in the harvest is the cheapest you have at that moment. Carrots, beets, pumpkin (it makes a lot and is super cheap), oranges, and broccoli, for example. (Red berries are more expensive.)” Simone Carrera.
“I have lost my appetite/I have trouble swallowing.”
Answer: “With the diagnosis of cancer, it is natural for patients to be shaken by the news. On some occasions, depression can also come into these people's lives. Therefore, it is ideal to prepare a beautiful dish, with bright colors to satisfy the patient.
For motion sickness: Drink less water while eating.
Difficulty swallowing: Drinking more liquids, or more pasty foods. For juice and smoothie: Increase to have a greater supply of fiber, that way, we still get the nutrients.” Simone Carrera.
“What is the difference between psychological and analytical treatment?”
- "Psychotherapy: practiced by psychologists.
- Psychoanalysis: not necessarily a psychoanalyst, it is a psychologist, but it is necessary to do this training (theoretical and supervision). (In Brazil.)” Andreneide Dantas.
“Do I tell people I was diagnosed?”
Answer: “We need to understand that we are not always “strong.” Being ourselves, human beings, and not thinking that we are machines, that we cannot share, is essential. That's why it's important to talk to friends, children, and professionals. Because with each person, the way you talk will always be different. As human beings, we need to speak up.” Andreneide Dantas.
“Should I tell my children that I have cancer? What do I do?"
Answer: “Women with minor children: it is very difficult to manage the situation. However, if the adult does not explain the situation to the child, the child may fantasize. You will hear school friends, for example, saying that someone in the family who had cancer has passed away. Therefore, the child will think that the same thing will necessarily happen, for example. Talking about the truth is essential. Of course, it is important that it be slow, planned, and calmly in its proper way.” Andreneide Dantas.
“How will physical activity help me, and how can I continue?”
Answer: “This has a huge impact. One of them is the relief of pain, tiredness, anxiety, strengthening your immune system, managing to control weight (as some medications can change weight). Physical activity depends on what treatment you are doing, the type (radio, chemo, etc.), age of the patient, how they were approached, what medications they are taking, if they have any comorbidities, etc.
Anamnesis: this is what health professionals do to understand who that individual is (the patient's history). This work must be individualized.” Elaine Tanganeli.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you notice any peculiarities in the breasts, armpits, or around the region, check and consult with your healthcare professionals. It is important to always seek annual exams, and ask for help from these professionals. This text is not a diagnosis. It was made to clarify some questions and false ideas that many people may have. Therefore, we recommend talking to your healthcare professional individually, and we remind you: you are not alone.
Dr. Anastásio Berrettini- Mastologist.
(CRM: 94273- SP.)
Instagram: Dr. Anastásio Berrettini
Simone Carrera- Nutritionist.
(CRN: 7532)
Instagram: @nutri_simonecarrera
Andreneide Dantas- Psychoanalyst.
Instagram: @andreneidedantas
Elaine Tanganeli- Physical Educator teacher- (coach).
(CREF4- 034266-G/SP)
Instagram: @elainetanganeli
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions contact by email lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )
Check it out our “Catalog,” to buy your vitamins, and follow us on Instagram
@unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy daily tips.
- What is the myth and truth about the topic "breast cancer"? Nutrition, mastology, psychoanalysis, and physical activity tell you!
We all know how important it is that pink octubre is the month. But then, do we know that the myth about breast cancer is true? Through a collaboration with Pink Target, we chose some data answered by respondents (health professionals) from Lives 2021, to tell them.
The myths and the hour of truth...
1. "Weight does not influence the probability of suffering from breast cancer."
Answer: "People who control their weight have a lower risk of suffering from cancer." Dr. Anastasio.
2. "You can only get breast cancer if someone in your family has it."
Answer: "Genetic breast cancer that is transmitted from mother to daughter only affects 5% of women." Dr. Anastasio. In other words, it is possible that you have breast cancer regardless of whether someone in your family has suffered it.
3. "Each bulto is equal."
Answer: "The bigger the size, the more it will be necessary to operate. The more aggressive the treatment will be." That's why Dr. Anastasio always says: "The sooner the diagnosis becomes, the greater the chance of cure."
4. "There are no forms of prevention in food."
Answer: "It is important to consume:
- Vitamin A;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamin E (fats such as aguacate, seeds and olive oil) are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Lycopene (present in tomato salsa, more than in the tomato itself);
- Copper, zinc, selenium;
- Omega-3 (salmon, sardines, general fish and linseed). The amount we consume daily is not enough for what we need to be anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it is ideal and complementary. From 30 years onwards, it can be recommended. Because we don't have the omega, which is superfundamental as a great inflamer." Simone Carrera.
5. "There is no food that accelerates breast cancer."
Answer: "Industrialized as preservatives, with colorants, a lot of sodium, fat and sugar accelerate cancer. Potentially and gives strength to tumor. Ultra-processed foods are harmful like pesticides. However, we understand that today you have a diet exclusively organic is impossible. That's why, the more natural it is, the better for prevention." Simone Carrera.
6. "There is no relationship between a psychoanalytic treatment for patients with breast cancer."
Answer: "The importance of a section alone, as well as the importance of a psychological treatment, a psychoanalytic treatment for patients with cancer, is fundamental. The doctor, with medicine, will treat the sick organ, depending on the stage of the cancer. "What are your wishes?" "What are your wishes?"
Talking about what is sick today can allow you to resume desires that have been repressed. Lack of desire means that people don't leave their place. "Those who don't have a purpose, don't know where to go." The treatment allows the person to speak of the past, the "now" and the future, so that they (the patient) have perspectives and strength to face this difficult moment." Andreneide Dantas.
7. "Talk about the theme, only make it worse."
Answer: "What we don't put into words, comes directly to the body." Andreneide Dantas.
8."If you have cancer, you can't do physical activity."
Answer: "You can and you must." The person with breast cancer must exercise physically, but always with caution and under the direction of a doctor, being supervised by a professional in the field." Elaine Tanganeli.
9."These patients should avoid walking."
Answer: "If the doctor says the patient is well and if he allows it, the patient can start doing it:
- Walking;
- Changing the car by legs, if possible; (These are for everyone).
- Ride a bike, if the doctor allows it (because the patient doesn't move his arm). But, of course: everything within its limits.
This has to be daily, to become a habit, so that it becomes placental. The studies demonstrate that physical activity is healthy. If she (the patient) does physical activity for 30 minutes a day, it will have a huge impact on her recovery. According to studies, 20% can prevent cancer. If you have cancer, you have another 20% chance that it won't appear again." Elaine Tanganeli.
Advice and other data that informs you of professionals:
"What is another simple method of preventing breast cancer?"
Answer: "Breastfeeding (for more than a year), but being embarrassed soon (before 25 years), provides the woman with protection. Each year of breastfeeding decreases her personal probability by 4-6%." Dr. Anastasio Berrettini.
"What's wrong with birth control?"
Answer: "There is no greater probability of cancer. Many times a woman who takes contraceptives, does not become embarrassed, does not breastfeed. Leave her protection." Dr. Anastásio Berretini.
"What are the cheapest and most affordable foods for people treating cancer?"
Answer: " Look at the food. Everything you have in the food is the cheapest you have at that moment. Zanahorias, remolacha, calabaza (it makes a lot of food and is super cheap), oranges and broccoli, for example. (The red fruits are more expensive)". Simone Carrera.
"I've lost my appetite/I have trouble swallowing."
Answer: “With a cancer diagnosis, it is natural that patients feel shaken by the news. On some occasions, depression can also touch the lives of these people. Therefore, the ideal is to prepare a beautiful plate with bright colors to satisfy the patient.”
For the tide: Drink less water while eating.
Difficulty swallowing: Drinks more liquids, or softer foods. For vitamin intake: Increase to have a greater consumption of fiber, so we continue to obtain nutrients." Simone Carrera.
"What is the difference between psychological and analytical treatment?"
- "Psychotherapy: practiced by psychologists.
- Psychoanalysis: it is not necessarily a psychoanalyst, he is a psychologist. However, this training (theoretical and supervision) is necessary. (In Brazil.)" Andreneide Dantas.
"Will I tell people who have diagnosed me?"
Answer: "We have to understand that we are not always "strong". Being our own selves, human beings, and not thinking that we are machines that cannot be shared, is essential. Each person's way of speaking will always be different. As human beings, we need to speak." Andreneide Dantas.
"Do I have to tell my children that I have cancer? What do I do?"
Answer: "Women with small children: it's very difficult to manage the situation. However, if the adult doesn't explain the situation to the child, they can fantasize. They will be buried, for example, by their school friends or someone from their family that there is cancer of death. Then you will think that the same thing will necessarily happen, for example. Knowing the truth is essential. Of course, it is important that it be slow, planned and calm in its right measure." Andreneide Dantas.
"How will physical activity help me and how can I proceed?"
Answer: "It has a gigantic impact. One, it is the relief of pain, fatigue, anxiety, strengthening of your immune system, can control your weight (as some medications can change your weight). Physical activity depends on the treatment what is happening, the type (radio, chemotherapy, etc.), the age of the patient, how he was approached, the medications he is taking, whether he has any comorbidity, etc. Anamnesis: that's what you do health professionals to understand who this individual is (the patient's story). This work must be individualized.” Elaine Tanganeli.
IMPORTANT: If you notice any peculiarities in your sinuses, armpits or around the region, check and consult with your healthcare professional. It is important to always attend annual exams and ask these professionals for help. This text is not a diagnosis. It has been written to clarify some doubts and false ideas that many people may have. Therefore, we recommend that you speak individually with your healthcare professional, and we remind you: you are not alone.
Dr. Anastásio Berrettini- Mastologist.
(CRM: 94273- SP.)
Instagram: Dr. Anastásio Berrettini
Simone Carrera- Nutritionist.
(CRN: 7532)
Instagram: @nutri_simonecarrera
Andreneide Dantas- Psychoanalytics.
Instagram: @andreneidedantas
Elaine Tanganeli- Physical educator
(CREF4- 034266-G/SP)
Instagram: @elainetanganeli
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions, contact by email: lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )
Join our “Catalog,” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram@unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy advice for everyday life.