Neutrophils and The Immune System

Neutrophils and The Immune System

      🇺🇸 - Did you know that inside you there is the immune system? Yep! Many health professionals like to say that it is a recognition system, more than just a defense system. Because when it fails, it can attack itself. This is what happens with the autoimmune diseases. Therefore, the same way that it defends itself and protects its organism against bad microorganisms, it can also fail and hurt itself, if it doesn't understand what is happening inside your body. We have many defense cells, and many of them are part of the innate immunity.

Innate immunity: The first immunity that works in your organism. It is also known as the natural immunity, since it's the one you were born with. In this group there are also macrophages, dendritic cells (DC), natural killer cells (NK), and neutrophils as well.

Neutrophils are very used when we have a bacterial or fungal infection. In this photo below, most of these little purple dots are neutrophils.

Written by- Victoria Parada Daros, Health Coach.

🇪🇸 - Did you know that the immune system is inside you? Yes! Many health professionals like to decide that it is a recognition system, more than a simple defense system. Because when you speak, you can attack yourself. This is what happens with autoimmune diseases. Therefore, in the same way that you defend and protect your body from harmful microorganisms, you can also fail and regret if you do not understand what is happening inside your body. We have many defense cells and many of them form part of innate immunity.

Innate immunity: the first immunity that acts in your body. It is also known as natural immunity, since it is with her that you were born. This group also includes macrophages, dendritic cells (DC), natural asein cells (NK) and neutrophils.

Neutrophils are very used when we have a bacterial or mycotic infection. In this photo below, the majority of these small points are neutrophils.

Written by: Victoria Parada Daros, Health Coach.

🇧🇷 - Did you know that inside you there is the immune system? Yes! Many health professionals like to say that it is a recognition system, much more than just a defense system. For when he fails, he can attack himself. This is what happens with autoimmune diseases. Therefore, in the same way that it defends and protects your body against bad microorganisms, it can also fail, and get hurt, if it doesn't understand what is happening inside. We have many defense cells, which are even part of Innate Immunity.

Innate Immunity: The first immunity that works in your body. Also known as natural immunity, since it's what you were born with. Within this group, we have macrophages, dendritic cells, NK cells (natural killers), and also neutrophils.

They are often used when we have a bacterial or fungal infection. In this image below, most of these purple balls are neutrophils.

Written by- Victória P. Daros, Health Coach.


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