"Não Está Parado, Tudo Se Move.” (O Caibalion) - Andreza Ribeiro- Coach

“It’s Not Still, Everything Moves.” (The Caibalion) - Andreza Ribeiro- Coach




“It’s not still, everything moves.” (The Kybalion) Movement is a form of communication, we can identify the disposition, mood and even some past experiences. Movement is also a way of releasing the energies (thoughts) that accumulate in the mind. The continuous flow is built based on five factors: health; appearance; competence; fun and social relationships.

Perhaps little reported, but in a commonly habitual way, the movement unites, increases and builds bonds of relationships, whether in individual or group activities.

"Older people gave more importance to reasons related to health, while younger people prioritized reasons related to appearance. In relation to gender, women gave less importance to reasons of competence than men. People who those who practiced for longer presented reasons for fun and health, and those who practiced for more days indicated health reasons. Subjects who practiced in guided programs showed reasons related to social, health and competence." (Gonçalves & Alchieri, Motivation to practice physical activities: a study with non-athletes).

Maintaining motivation by setting goals can help increase the level of commitment. In group training, the practice tends to maintain the same start and end time, being able to promote the famous pre and post training "reviews", in addition to the class moment in which the performance goal is a common objective among everyone, this atmosphere creates an environment in which everyone "has a face" and is recognized by name, so that they feel safe to express their feelings, struggles and victories. Putting people face to face so that they can help each other is an excellent strategy for engaging in sports.

However, it is not the only way, when we practice individual activities we have a great chance of directing our gaze "at ourselves", to understand their needs and limits, and this ability to identify is something that over time, we can build on our own. There is no one strategy better than another, but there are times when, to stay active, you will have to use new ways of moving.


Andreza Ribeiro


CREF: 090492- G/SP

Enter our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram @lifestyle_unstoppable for more healthy everyday tips.


"It's not stopped, everything moves." (The Kybalion) Movement is a form of communication, we can identify the mood, and even some past experiences. Movement is still a way to release the energies (thoughts) that crowd in the mind. The continuous flow is built based on five factors: health, appearance, competence, fun and social relationships.

Perhaps little reported, but in a commonly habitual way, the movement units, increases and builds bonds of relationships, whether in individual or group activities.

"Older people gave more importance to health-related reasons, while younger people prioritized appearance-related reasons. Regarding gender, women gave less importance to competence reasons than men. Who practiced for a longer time presented reasons for fun and health, and those who practiced for more days indicated health reasons. The subjects who practiced in guided programs showed reasons related to social, health and competence." (Gonçalves & Alchieri, Motivation to practice physical activities: a study with non-athletes).

Maintaining motivation from setting goals can help to increase the level of commitment. In group training, practice tends to keep the same start and end time, being able to promote the famous pre and post training "reviews", in addition to the class moment in which the performance goal is a common goal among all, this atmosphere it creates an environment in which everyone "has faces" and is recognized by names, so that they feel safe to express their feelings, struggles and victories. Putting people face to face so that they can help each other is an excellent strategy for engaging in sports.

However, it's not the only way, when we practice individual activities we have a great chance to direct our gaze "to ourselves", to understand their needs and limits, and this ability to identify is something that over time, we can build on our own. There is no one strategy that is better than another, but there are times when, in order to stay active, you will have to use new ways of moving.


Andreza Ribeiro


CREF: 090492- G/SP

Translated by Unstoppable Team.

(For questions or suggestions contact by email lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )

Check it out our “Catalog,” to buy your vitamins, and follow us on Instagram @lifestyle_unstoppable for more healthy daily tips.


"It's not stationary, everything moves." (The Kybalion) Movement is a form of communication, we can identify the state of mind, and even some past experiences. Movement continues to be a way to release the energies (thoughts) that take hold in the mind. The continuous flow is built on the basis of five factors: health, appearance, competence, fun and social relationships.

Perhaps rarely reported, but in a commonly habitual way, the movement unites, increases and builds relationships, whether in individual or group activities.

“Mayors give more importance to reasons related to health, while more young people prioritize reasons related to appearance. Regarding gender, women have less importance than men in terms of competence. The people who practiced for longer indicated health reasons. The subjects who practiced guided programs manifested reasons related to social, health and competence aspects." (Gonçalves & Alchieri, Motivation to practice physical activities: a study with non-sportsmen).

Preventing motivation from setting goals can help increase the level of commitment. In group training, the practice has to maintain the same start and finish time, being able to promote the famous "repasso" pre and post training, in addition to the class moment where the performance objective is a common objective among all, this environment creates an environment where everyone "has faces" and is recognized by names, so that they feel safe to express their feelings, fights and victories. Putting people face to face so they can help each other is an excellent strategy for carrying out sports.

However, this is not the only way, when we practice individual activities, we have a great opportunity to direct our vision “in our own eyes”, to understand their needs and limits, and this identification capacity is something that with time we can build on our own . There is no better strategy than the other, but there are occasions when, to stay active, you will have to use new ways of moving.


Andreza Ribeiro


CREF: 090492- G/SP

Translated by Unstoppable Team.

(For questions or suggestions, contact by email: lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )

Join our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram @lifestyle_unstoppable for more healthy tips for everyday life.

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