- "Dental Cleaning Vs. Teeth Whitening."
Do you know the difference between teeth whitening and teeth cleaning? Let's start our approach in a simple and easy-to-understand text!
Act of removing bacterial plaque and/or dental tartar. These contain: microscopic remains of food, microorganisms and cellular residues, extrinsic pigments, that is, pigments that accumulate on the external part of the teeth (acquired film), due to the continuous use of tobacco, drinks and colored foods, in addition to making the scrapings of dental tartar (calculi formed in its highest percentage of calcium) that adhere to dental structures.
By removing these extrinsic pigments, the tartar that is adhered to the bacterial plaque and the acquired film, we already have an optical response to which the tooth appears lighter, but the dental structure has not been modified, just by removing these situations from the teeth, we have this visual improvement.
After the previous cleaning, we are ready to start the TOOTH WHITENING stage .
Brighter teeth give us newer, healthier teeth. Nowadays, the search for more aligned teeth with a few shades lighter are the most popular treatments in dentists' offices. There are basically two types of technologies for teeth whitening.
Home Whitening
As the name suggests, this whitening is done at home under the supervision of a dentistry professional. A silicone plate (soft material) is used, previously molded to the design of the patient's dental arches, which will receive a drop of the whitening agent on each tooth. This product will be chosen in advance by the professional according to the patient's age, level and sensitivity. and available time. The product can be used for 15 minutes a day, such as when the patient is resting. Each case is different! Teeth whitening is suitable for each person.
Whitening in the Office
Technique is required, the entire procedure is carried out in the dentist's office. The percentages of the whitening gel are higher. In this procedure, the surgeon must protect the patient's oral cavity tissues, skin and eyes when handling the product. Protective glasses are available as special precautions when transporting the gel away from the skin, lips, gums and tongue. A product called “top dan” is applied to the gums, which prevents the gel from passing from the tooth to the gums. The time for this technique can generally vary from 40 to 50 minutes, in addition to each manufacturer stipulating whether or not the product needs to be changed on the teeth.
These described techniques can be done mutually. They are classified as “Mixed technique.” This is widely used, as it highlights the greatest qualities of both techniques, one in relation to color stability, and the other in relation to the speed of the result.
They refer to vital teeth, that is, teeth that have pulp vitality; This means that endodontic treatments were not performed, for which other techniques will be used.
Post-whitening recommendations regarding sensitivity:
Nowadays, professionals in the field can already predict through a good history and a tiny visual examination of the teeth, which will be important to observe with more dedication, so that post-whitening sensitivity is practically zero. In addition to choosing state-of-the-art materials which in their formulation contain chemical elements that reduce this unpleasant situation, there are also low-intensity lasers, which have scientific evidence that their use reduces cases of post-whitening sensitivity.
Common questions:
Regarding how long your teeth will be white:
Whitened teeth will not return to their primary color. The regression to a darker color will be a result of the age of the teeth and the patient's diet, in addition to habits such as the use of tobacco and foods and liquids with a high pigment content.
How often can I whiten?
The professional's common sense in timing these periods will be crucial to maintaining tooth health. As previously stated, each patient is unique, generally the minimum interval between one treatment and another would be 6 months. EMPHASIZE: EACH PATIENT has their own individualized technique.
Written by Tatiana Bones Beltrami
Specialist in Restorative Dentistry, qualified in Lasertherapy.
(CRO: 10829)
Instagram: @tatiana_bones_white
Visit our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram @unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy everyday tips.
- "Tooth Cleaning Vs. Tooth Whitening."
Do you know the difference between teeth whitening and teeth cleaning? Let's start our approach in a simple and easy way to understand this text!
Teeth Cleaning
The act of removing plaque and/or dental tartar. These contain: microscopic food residues, microorganisms and cellular residues, extrinsic pigments, that is, pigments that accumulate on the outside of the teeth (acquired film), by the continuous use of tobacco, drinks and colored foods, in addition to making the dental tartar scrapings (calculations formed in their highest percentage of calcium) that adhere to dental structures.
By removing these extrinsic pigments, the tartars that are adhered to the bacterial plate and the acquired film, we already have an optical response in which the tooth looks lighter, but the dental structure was not modified, only by removing these situations from the teeth, we have this visual improvement.
After the previous cleaning, we are ready to start the DENTAL WHITENING step.
Lighter teeth give us newer, healthier teeth. Nowadays, the search for more aligned teeth with some lighter shades are the most sought after treatments in Dental offices. There are basically two types of technologies to whiten teeth.
Homemade whitening
As the name says, this whitening is done at home under the supervision of a dental professional. A silicone plate (soft material) is used, previously molded to the design of the patient's dental arches, which will receive a drop of the whitening agent on each tooth, this product will be previously chosen by the professional according to the patient's age, degree and sensitivity and available time. The product can be used for 15 minutes a day, such as when the patient is resting. Each case is different! Tooth whitening is suitable for every person.
Whitening at the Office
Requires technique, the entire procedure is performed in the dental office. The percentages of whitening gel are higher. In this procedure, the surgeon must protect the tissues of the oral cavity, skin and eyes of the patient when handling the product. Goggles are provided, as special care is taken when transporting the gel away from the skin, lips, gums and tongue. A product called “top dan” is applied to the gum, which prevents the gel from passing from the tooth to the gums. The time of this technique can vary from 40 to 50 minutes, generally, in addition to each manufacturer stipulating the need or not of product exchanges in the teeth.
These described techniques can be done mutually. They are classified as “Mixed technique.” This is widely used, as it highlights the greatest qualities of both techniques, one in relation to color stability, and the other in relation to the speed of the result.
They refer to vital teeth, that is, teeth that have pulp vitality; means that endodontic treatments were not performed, for these, other techniques will be used.
Post whitening recommendations regarding sensitivity:
Nowadays, professionals in the area can already predict through a good anamnesis and a tiny visual examination of the teeth, which will be important to observe with more dedication, so that post-whitening sensitivity is practically nil. In addition to choosing state-of-the-art materials whose formulation contains chemical elements that reduce this unpleasant situation, there are also low-intensity lasers, which have scientific evidence that their use reduces cases of post-bleaching sensitivity.
Regarding how long the teeth will be white:
Whitened teeth will not return to their primary color. The regression to the darker color will be a result of the age of the teeth, and the patient's diet, in addition to habits such as the use of tobacco and foods and liquids with a high content of pigments.
How often can I whiten?
The professional's common sense in dosing these periods will be crucial to maintain the health of the teeth. As stated earlier, each patient is unique, usually the minimum pause between one treatment and another would be 6 months. IMPORTANT: EACH PATIENT has their individualized technique.
Written by Tatiana Bones Beltrami
Specialist in Restorative Dentistry, qualification in Lasertherapy.
(CRO: 10829)
Instagram: @tatiana_bones_white
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions contact by email lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )

Do you know the difference between dental whitening and dental cleaning? Let's start with our focus on a simple and easy-to-understand text!
The act of eliminating plaque and/or dental plaque. These contain: microscopic food residues, microorganisms and cellular residues, extrinsic pigments, in particular, pigments that accumulate on the outside of the teeth (acquired film), due to the continuous use of tobacco, drinks and colored foods, in addition to making them dentition of gravel scrapes (calculi formed in a greater percentage of calcium) that adhere to the dental structures.
By eliminating these extrinsic pigments, the plaques that are adhering to the bacterial plaque and the acquired film, we have an optical response in which the tooth becomes clearer, but the dental structure is not modified, just by eliminating these situations of Dear friends, we have this visual improvement.
After the previous cleaning, we are ready to start the DENTAL WHITENING step.
The clearest deaths give us the youngest and healthiest deaths. Today, the search for more aligned teeth and lighter shades are the most popular treatments in dental offices. There are basically two types of technologies to whiten teeth.
Home bleaching
As its name suggests, this whitening takes place at home under the supervision of a dental professional. If a silicone plate (soft material) is used, previously molded to the design of the patient's dental arches, which will receive a drop of whitening agent on each tooth, this product will be chosen in advance by the professional according to the age, degree of patient, the sensitivity and the time available. The product can be used for 15 minutes every day, such as when the patient is at rest. Each case is different! Dental whitening is suitable for all people.
Whitening in the Workshop
Requires technique, the entire procedure is carried out in the dental office. The percentages of whitening gel are higher. In this procedure, the surgeon must protect the tissues of the mouth cavity, the skin and the eyes of the patient when handling the product. If glasses are provided, special care must be taken when carrying the gel on the skin, lips, lips and tongue. Then a product called “top dan” is applied, which prevents the gel from leaving the mouth. The time for this technique can vary from 40 to 50 minutes, generally, in addition to the fact that each manufacturer stipulates the need for no product changes between customers.
These described techniques can be mutually beneficial. They are classified as “mixed technique”. This is widely used, as it highlights the greatest qualities of both techniques, one in relation to the stability of the color, and the other in relation to the speed of the result.
They refer to vital teeth, and in other words, teeth that have pulp vitality; This means that endodontic treatments will not be carried out, other techniques will be used for these.
Further recommendations regarding blanching with regard to sensitivity:
Today, professionals in the area can predecide through a good anamnesis and a tiny visual examination of their patients, which will be important to observe with more dedication, so that post-blank sensitivity is practically zero. In addition to choosing state-of-the-art materials whose formulation contains chemical elements that reduce this unpleasant situation, there are also low intensity lasers, which have scientific evidence that their use reduces cases of post-decoloration sensitivity.
Frequently asked questions:
How long will the dientes be white?
Whitened teeth will not return to their primary color. The darker color regression will be a consequence of the age of the patients, and the patient's diet, in addition to habits such as tobacco consumption and foods and liquids with a high pigment content.
How often can I whiten?
The common sense of professionals in the dosage of these periods will be crucial to maintain the health of their children. As previously mentioned, each patient is unique, normally the minimum interval between one treatment and another would be 6 months. IMPORTANT: EACH PATIENT has an individualized technique.
Written by Tatiana Bones Beltrami
Specialist in Restorative Dentistry, degree in Laser Therapy.
(CRO: 10829)
Instagram: @tatiana_bones_white
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions, contact by email: lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )
Join our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram @unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy tips for everyday life.