Can you see these little green dots on the microscope? These are fungi. So, always take care of your foods and how you consume them. A very interesting good technique we like to share with people, it's to eat what you really will consume.
Stop going to the market and putting everything in your car. Buy what is necessary. This way, you will spend less and preserve more. Throwing food away is not nice. Especially when the food is spoiled because it was on the back of your fridge and you forgot to eat. Buy less, and buy consciously, for a healthier and nutritious ecosystem.
Written by: Victoria Parada Daros
Can you see these small green spots under the microscope? These are hongos. Therefore, always be careful with your food and the way you consume it. A very interesting technique that we like to share with people is eating what you are really going to consume.
Don't go to the market and fill up your cart. Buy whatever you need. This way, you will spend less and save more. Taking food out of the basket is not brilliant. Especially when it is in bad condition because you forgot it at the back of the refrigerator. Buy less and buy consciously, for a healthier and more nutritious ecosystem.
Written by: Victoria Parada Daros, Health Coach.
Can you see these very small green spots under a microscope? These are fungi. Therefore, always be careful with your food and how you consume it. A very interesting technique that we like to share with people is to eat what you are actually going to consume.
Stop going to the grocery store and filling your cart. Buy what you need. This way, you will spend less and preserve more. Throwing food in the trash is not cool. Even more so when it's spoiled because you forgot it at the bottom of the fridge. Buy less and buy consciously, for a healthier and more nutritious ecosystem.
Written by: Victória Parada Daros, Health Coach.