Everyone always hears that “eating everything” is not correct, healthy, and can compromise your health. Okay, but… “what everything” are we talking about?
If you are the type of person whose diet is rich in simple carbohydrates (chocolate, sweets, chips, pizza, other pasta, etc.) processed and ultra-processed (yes, there is a difference but that's for another article) , unhealthy fats, excess and low quality of “protein source” (unfortunately, sometimes we think we are consuming meat, but in reality it is EVERYTHING but meat), it is clear that your diet is not in the best condition.
Now, if we are talking about “eating everything,” in which we eat complex carbohydrates, such as those found mainly in fruits and vegetables, fat is good fat, such as that found in fish, avocado, nuts and chestnuts, if If you practice physical activity, occasionally eat a quality pizza or burger, (not fast-food ones) understanding that there is no need for restriction, but rather for balance, this should not be classified as harmful.
But Victoria, can I really eat everything?
It's like I always say: each individual has their own history, culture, needs, preferences, age, height, weight, basal metabolic rate, energy needs, among many other factors, completely different from the others. And that changes everything. In other words, sometimes you won't be able to consume dairy products, for example, because you have an intolerance while someone else adapts very well to this group, and that's okay. That's why it's important to consult your nutritionist and follow the tests he will ask you to know exactly what you need, meeting YOUR needs.
Now, as my teacher always says, we need to stop this concept that “foods are villains.” The only thing I consider “villain” is excess that does not come from the earth. In other words, there is nothing wrong with exploring the possibilities and having more diversity in your diet. Quite the contrary, the more variety of foods, the more chances of prebiotics and probiotics to help your microbiota, with the already existing bacteria. The question is, “have I been eating 'everything' (processed and ultra-processed), or have I been eating ' everything' (REAL foods)?
Eating everything comes into these two points:
- Quality (as we said previously);
- Amount. (If it’s not a habit where you eat excessively, and if your “everything” is of good quality, there’s nothing to worry about. It becomes worrying from the moment you discount your emotion on food in a quantitative way at higher frequencies. – habits (Ex: every day he eats two pizzas).

"Reasons why I just “eat everything”?
- Association between something or someone special in your life with food;
I have this in regards to my afternoon coffee. When I lived in Brazil and whenever I go to visit family, my grandmother has the habit of making cakes and eating them with coffee in the afternoon. In other words, as I don't always have my grandmother by my side, and as it is a pleasure to be by her side, I associated "afternoon coffee" as something sacred. Therefore, I value afternoon coffee, as my unconscious feels that it is a way for me to be closer to her.
- Symptom of PMS or hormonal changes throughout life.
- Lack of nutrients ;
Your brain is looking for ways to obtain nutrients. However, he doesn't understand that the “snacks” you are eating won't provide you with anything. Therefore, you eat “non-stop” until you get the “maximum nutrients possible”);
- Anxiety-Stress: Ways to relax or reward.
You know that famous “I deserve it”? How many times after a lot of studying, working, a tiring day, do you say “hmm, I’m going to eat this, because I deserve it” ? In your subconscious, this is often natural to happen. We eat chocolate, make some popcorn to watch that series we love, etc. As nurturer Simone Carrera says, “I hope you realize that you deserve so much more than food.”
Binge Eating Disorder:
- It is more related to quantity than quality. For a person with this disorder, they are not concerned with the type of food, but rather with the act of eating whatever is in front of them.
“Reasons why I may have Binge Eating Disorder”:
I explain it to you through a broad vision of a health coach:
Possible reasons:
These emotions may be related to:
How many people do you know, who unfortunately didn't have or don't have the opportunity to really do what they like, or earn what they had as a goal? Unfortunately, some people can develop this disorder.
- In relationships;
Even non-romantic ones, but also something unresolved or clarified between parents, family, and friends.
- Comparison ;
From aesthetics to achievements or “failures,” that this person has as expectations in their mind. If she doesn't achieve something, or she realizes that someone else has achieved something, because she naturally has low self-esteem, she will feel like a failure. So, comparing yourself. Consequently, it will charge itself for not being equal or better than that.
With these main factors, in my opinion, from a point of view as a health coach, these frustrations are triggered by a certain punishment - the Disorder. Remembering that binge eating disorder is a disease that needs to be treated, while “eating everything” can generate unhealthy eating habits (even the likelihood of binge eating disorder) and other possible chronic non-communicable diseases, if These are foods with low nutrient quality and if it is not a normal, healthy frequency.
Every human being has an addiction, and if you don't identify an addiction in a person, it's for two reasons: 1. They don't tell you, or 2. They don't even realize they have one, and it's becoming a habit – That's it. if it isn't already one. No human being is balanced. This is a false perception we have when we see someone who is always “at peace.” As I love to say, the most “happy” and “calm” people are the ones who swallow their frustrations the most. Of course, she can acquire greater levels of maturity and overcoming, but it will be natural for her emotions to “explode” at some point. Maybe not about a certain topic, but certainly about another. This is called: life.
In other words, some people have addictions such as:
- shopping
- porn
- games
- physical activity (yes, it's possible and I know it lol.)
- others
Binge eating disorder is something much more complex. Because there is a big difference between: wanting, having pleasure when eating, and another thing, is the need and lack of “control” over food.
This text is NOT a diagnosis. It is just a demystifier of basic and primary concepts, so we can understand the main differences between the two diets. Consult your psychologist, nutritionist, and doctor.
Written by Victória Parada Daros
Health Coach.
Instagram: @victoriaparadad

Visit our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram@unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy everyday tips.
"The Difference between Binge Eating Disorder and
eating everything."
Everyone always hears that "eating everything," is not correct, is not healthy, and can compromise your health. Okay, but... "what everything" are we talking about?
If you are the kind of person whose diet is rich in simple carbohydrates (chocolate, sweets, snacks, pizza, other pasta, etc.), processed and ultra-processed foods (yes, there is a difference, but that's for another article) , unhealthy fats, excess and low quality "protein sources" (unfortunately sometimes we think we are eating meat, but in reality it is EVERYTHING but meat), it is clear that your diet is not in the best condition.
Now, if we are talking about "eating everything," in which we eat complex carbohydrates, like those that are present mainly in fruits, vegetables, good fat, like that found in fish, avocados, nuts and chestnuts, if you practice physical activity , eat once in a while a pizza or hamburger of quality, (not the fast food ones) understanding that there is no need for restriction, but balance, this should not be classified as harmful.
But Victoria, can I really eat everything?
It's like I always say: each individual has their story, culture, needs, preferences, age, height, weight, basal metabolic rate, energy needs, among many other factors, completely different from the other. And this changes everything. In other words, sometimes you won't be able to consume dairy products, for example. Maybe you are intolerant, while someone else adapts super well to this group, and that's okay. That is why it is important to consult your nutritionist and follow the tests he will ask for, so that you can know exactly what you need, meeting YOUR needs.
Now, as my teacher always says, we need to stop with this concept that "foods are villains." The only thing I consider to be "villainous" is the one in excess and that does not come from the soil. In other words, there is nothing wrong with you exploring the possibilities and having more diversity in your diet. Quite the contrary, the more variety in foods, the more chances for prebiotics and probiotics to assist your microbiota, with the bacteria that already exist. The question is, "have I been eating 'everything' (processed and ultra-processed), or have I been eating 'everything' (REAL foods)?
The eating everything comes into these two points:
- Quality (as we had talked about earlier);
- Quantity. (If it is not a habit where you eat excessively, and if your "everything" is of quality, you have nothing to worry about. It becomes worrisome the moment you take your emotion out on food in a quantitative way in more frequent habits ( Ex: every day you eat two pizzas).
Image owned by Unstoppable Mag.
“Reasons why I just "eat everything"?
For you, it is somehow getting to live or experience "the taste" of that moment again that did you good.
I have this regarding my afternoon coffee. When I lived in Brazil and always when I go to visit family, my grandmother has the habit of making cakes and we eat them with a little afternoon coffee. In other words, since I don't have my grandmother by my side all the time, and since it is a pleasure to be by her side, I associate the "coffee time” as something sacred. So I cherish the afternoon coffee, because in my unconscious mind it feels that it is a way for me to be closer to her.
Compulsive Eating Disorder:
It is more related to quantity than quality. For a person with this disorder, they are not concerned with the type of food, but in the act of eating whatever is in front of them.
"Reasons why I might have an Eating Disorder":
I explain it to you through a broad health coach view:
Possible reasons:
These emotions can be related to:
How many people do you know, who unfortunately didn't have or don't have the opportunity to actually do what they like, or earn what they were aiming for? Unfortunately, some people can develop this disorder.
Even non-romantic ones, but also as something unresolved or unclear between parents, family members, and friends.
From aesthetics to the achievements or "failures" that this person has expectations in their mind. If they don't achieve something, or they perceive that someone else has achieved it, since they are naturally even with a low self-esteem, they will feel like a failure. Thus, comparing themselves. subsequently, they will blame themselves for not being equal to or better than someone else.
With these main factors, in my view, from a health coach point of view, these frustrations trigger a certain punishment - the Disorder. Remembering that, the binge eating disorder is a disease that needs to be treated, while the "eating of everything," can generate unhealthy eating habits (even as a probability of the binge eating disorder) and or other possible chronic non-communicable diseases, if these foods are with low nutrient quality and if it is not a normal, healthy frequency.
Every human being has an addiction, and if you don't identify an addiction in a person, it's for two reasons: 1.They don't tell you, or 2.They don't even realize they have one, and it's becoming a habit–(that's if it's hasn't already become it.) No human being is balanced. That's a false perception we have when we see someone who is always "at peace." As I love to say, the most "happy" and "peaceful," people are the ones who swallow their frustrations the most. Of course, they may acquire greater levels of maturity and overcoming, but it will be natural at some point to "throw up" their emotions. Maybe not about a certain subject, but certainly about another. This is called: life.
In other words, some people have addictions such as:
- mall
- porn
- games
- physical activity (yes, it is possible and I know it lolrs.)
- others
- food-
Binge eating disorder is something much more complex. There is a big difference between wanting and having pleasure while eating, and another thing, the need and lack of "control" over food.
This text is NOT a diagnosis. It is only a demystification of basic and primary concepts, so that we can understand the main differences between the two types of food. Consult your psychologist, nutritionist, and doctor.
Written by Victória Parada Daros
Health Coach.
Instagram: @victoriaparadad
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions contact by email lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )
Check it out our “Catalog,” to buy your vitamins, and follow us on Instagram
@unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy daily tips.
The difference between Binge Eating Disorder
y el famous "comer de todo".
Everyone sees that "eating at all" is not correct, not healthy, and that can compromise health. Okay, but what "all" are we talking about?
If you are one of those who have a diet rich in simple carbohydrates (chocolate, sweets, snacks, pizza, pasta, etc.), processed and ultra-processed foods (yes, there is a difference, but this is for another item), unhealthy fats, Excess and low quality of "protein sources" (unfortunately sometimes we believe that we are eating meat, but in reality it is ALL but meat), it is clear that your diet is not in the best conditions.
Now, if we talk about "eating at all", when we eat complex carbohydrates, such as those that are present mainly in fruits, vegetables, fat is good, as is found in fish, aguacates, nueces and the castañas, if physical activity is practiced, if one occasionally eats a pizza or a high-quality hamburger, (not fast food) understanding that there is no need to restrict them, but to balance them, they should not be classified as harmful.
Pero Victória, can I really eat anything?
It's like I always say: each individual has their history, their culture, their needs, their preferences, age, height, weight, basal metabolic rate, their energy needs, among many other factors, completely different from the rest. And that changes everything. In other words, sometimes you cannot consume dairy products, for example, because you have some intolerance, as long as someone else adapts wonderfully to this group, and it is only normal for this to happen. That's why it's important that you consult your nutritionist and follow the tests that ask you to know exactly what you need, meeting YOUR needs.
Now, as my teacher always says, we have to let go of this concept that "foods are villainous." The only thing I consider "villano" is what is excessive and does not come from the land. In other words, there is nothing wrong with exploring possibilities and having more diversity in your diet. On the contrary, the more variety of foods there are, the more possibilities that prebiotics and probiotics will help your microbiota, with the bacteria that already exist. The question is: "Have I been eating "at all" (processed and ultra-processed foods), or have I been eating "at all" (REAL foods)?
Here are the points where you can eat at all:
- Calidad (as we had said before);
- Cantidad. (If it's not a habit where you eat too much, and if you "all" are of quality, there's no need to worry. If you become something worrying from the moment you release your emotions into your food quantitative form in habits of greater frequency (Ej: every day you eat two pizzas).
Image owned by Unstoppable Mag.
What are the reasons for simply "me like everything"?
The food disorder:
- It has more to do with youth than with quality. A person with this disorder doesn't care about the type of food, but rather the act of eating what they have in front of them.
“Reasons why I may have a Food Conduct Disorder”:
I explain it to you through the broad vision of a health trainer:
Possible reasons:
These emotions may be related to:
How many people know that, unfortunately, they haven't had the opportunity or haven't had the opportunity to really do what they like, or to achieve what they want? Unfortunately, some people were able to make this upheaval happen.
Even non-romantic ones, but there is also something in the outcome that is clarified between priests, family and friends.
From the aesthetics there are achievements or "failures", which this persona has as an expectation in his mind. If you don't achieve something, or realize that someone else has achieved it, as is natural, even with low self-esteem, you will feel like a failure. So, comparing yourself to yourself. As a result, he will blame himself for not being the same as the other person.
With these main factors, in my opinion, from the point of view of a health coach, these frustrations trigger a certain punishment: disorder. Remembering that, accidental illness is an illness that needs to be treated, even though "eating at all", it can generate unhealthy eating habits (including the probability of accidental illness) and other possible chronic illnesses that are not communicable, if they are food with a low quality of nutrients and if it is not a normal and healthy frequency.
All human beings have an addiction, and if you don't identify an addiction in a person, that's for two reasons: -Eso si ya no es. No human being is balanced. This is a false perception we have when we see someone who is always "at peace". As I love to say, the most "happy" and "peaceful" people are the ones who most indulge their frustrations. By assumption, you can acquire greater levels of maturity and overcoming, but it will be natural that at some point you "explode" your emotions. Maybe not about a specific topic, but about another. It's called: life.
In other words, some people have additions such as:
- shopping
- porn
- games
- physical activity (if it is possible and you can do it now.)
- others
The hassle due to attraction is something much more complex. There is a big difference between wanting and having a place to eat, and the need and lack of "control" over food.
This text is NOT a diagnosis. It's just a demystifier of basic and primary concepts, to understand the main differences between types of diets (food). Consult your psychologist, nutritionist and doctor.
Written by Victória Parada Daros
Health Coach.
Instagram: @victoriaparadad
Translated by Unstoppable Team.
(For questions or suggestions, contact by email: lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )
Join our “Catalog” to buy your vitamins, and follow our Instagram @unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy tips for everyday life.