Dia de Reis


Saint Bede had access to the documents stored in the libraries of the monasteries where he lived. It was through these readings that Bede created the profile of the three Magi:

Melchior was an old man of seventy years old, with white hair and beard, having left Ur, the land of the Chaldeans.

Gaspar was a robust young man of twenty years old, and had come from a distant mountainous region, near the Caspian Sea.

Balthazar was a Moor, with a thick beard and forty years old, he had left the Persian Gulf for Arabia Felix.

What historians say is that these characters in the gospel of Matthew come from the inspiration of the priests of Zoroastrianism, which is a Persian religion where astrology originated.

“star of Bethlehem” and “coming from the east”

In Hebrew, these names mean “king of light” (melichior), “the white one” (gathaspa), and “lord of treasures” (bithisarea).

Around the world, each corner has its own tradition:


The Reisado takes place in Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia.

A joyful celebration with music, dancing and banners goes through the streets from door to door giving praise and receiving gifts.

Credit: Ligia Santana

Recognized in 2017 as cultural and intangible heritage of Minas Gerais, the cultural religious festival is well-rooted.

Credit: iepha.mg.gov.br

In Angra dos Reis, there is the Three Wise Men Viewpoint, built by the artist Miguel Santeiro in São João Del Rey, Minas Gerais.

The statues face the Angra neighborhood of Belém and are in the same direction as Belém, in the West Bank.

Credit: Amanda Salazar

While in Europe:

Portugal: Folia de Reis takes place from December 24th to January 6th.

France: The tradition of the “ galette des rois ” or King's Cake, where you have to put the king's crown inside the cake and whoever finds it will be responsible for the cake on the next King's Day.

They celebrate with a traditional sweet cake with candied fruit.

Italy: On Three Kings Day, children put stockings in the windows to receive their presents.

Some say that in Italy a witch brings gifts to good children and coal to naughty ones.

Spain: The “Cavalcade of the Three Kings Day” parade takes place and it is also the day to exchange gifts.

Credit: Nicolas Vigier

This tradition also occurs in some Latin American countries.


Brazil indeed



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