"Quando Usar Suplemento Alimentar?" - Simone Carrera/ nutricionista.

"Quando Usar Suplemento Alimentar?" - Simone Carrera/ nutricionista.


🇧🇷 - "Quando Usar Suplemento Alimentar?" 


      Não há evidências de que a ingestão de suplementos alimentares o torna a pessoa mais saudável. Aliar uma boa alimentação, atividades físicas e suplementação é a forma mais completa e eficaz de atingir as necessidades nutricionais do organismo e os resultados desejados.

Através da Suplementação conseguimos:

  • Suprir carências nutricionais e complementar uma dieta alimentar insatisfatória, piorada pelo solo pobre em nutrientes e por possíveis deficiências de absorção pelo trato gastro intestinal do indivíduo.
  • Auxílio no equilíbrio e homeostase do organismo.
  • Promover o envelhecimento saudável e melhorar a qualidade de vida na terceira idade.
  • Melhorar o desempenho de algumas funções do organismo.
  • Repor energia e nutrientes que auxiliam na redução da perda de massa magra e de força muscular que acontecem no processo de envelhecimento.

        Somente o profissional especializado, como o nutricionista pode orientar a necessidade do uso de suplementos alimentares, a quantidade ideal, tempo, quando e como tomar, pois é o profissional mais qualificado para esse fim. Além disso, existe um conjunto de informações individuais que deverão ser coletadas, para uma prescrição adequada (Confortin et al., 2017). 

      Podemos prescrever: vitaminas, minerais, proteínas e aminoácidos, lipídios e ácidos graxos, carboidratos e fibras, desde que respeitados os níveis máximos de segurança determinados pela ANVISA, como descreve a Tabela 2.1 (CFN, 2006).

      O uso de suplementos alimentares sem orientação adequada pode trazer riscos à saúde do indivíduo pelo uso indevido, podendo sobrecarregar o fígado e acometer doenças cardiovasculares, neurológicas, problemas renais, entre outras.

 Agende sua consulta para verificar sua necessidade de suplementação. 


Escrito por nutricionista Simone Carrera 

(CRN: 7532) 

Instagram: @nutri_simonecarrera 


Entre em nosso “Catálogo,” para comprar suas vitaminas, e siga nosso Instagram @unstoppable.vitamins para mais dicas saudáveis do dia a dia.


🇺🇸 - "When Make the Use of Supplements?" 

     There is no evidence that taking dietary supplements makes you healthier. Combining good nutrition, physical activities and supplementation is the most complete and effective way to achieve the body's nutritional needs and the desired results.

Through Supplementation we can:

  • Supply nutritional deficiencies and complement an unsatisfactory diet, worsened by the soil poor in nutrients and possible deficiencies in absorption by the individual's gastro-intestinal tract.
  • Aid in the balance and homeostasis of the organism.
  • Promote healthy aging and improve the quality of life in old age.
  • Improve the performance of some of the body functions.
  • Replace energy and nutrients that help reduce the loss of lean mass and muscle strength that occur in the aging process.

     Only the specialized professional, such as the nutritionist, can guide the need to use food supplements, the ideal amount, time, when and how to take it, as he is the most qualified professional for this purpose. In addition, there is a set of individual information that must be collected for an adequate prescription (Confortin et al., 2017). 

     We can prescribe: vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids, lipids and fatty acids, carbohydrates and fibers, as long as the maximum safety levels determined by ANVISA are respected, as described in Table 2.1 (CFN, 2006).

     The use of food supplements without proper guidance can bring risks to the individual's health due to misuse, which can overload the liver and affect cardiovascular, neurological, kidney problems, among others.

Schedule your appointment to check your need for supplementation.


Written by nutritionist Simone Carrera

(CRN: 7532) 

Instagram: @nutri_simonecarrera 

Translated by Unstoppable Team. 

(For questions or suggestions contact by email lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )


Check it out our “Catalog,” to buy your vitamins, and follow us on Instagram @unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy daily tips.


🇪🇸- "¿Cuándo Usar Complemento Alimentício?" 

     There is no evidence that taking dietary supplements makes you healthier. Combining good nutrition, physical activities and supplementation is the most complete and effective way to achieve the body's nutritional needs and the desired results.

Through Supplementation we can:

  • Supply nutritional deficiencies and complement an unsatisfactory diet, worsened by the soil poor in nutrients and possible deficiencies in absorption by the individual's gastro-intestinal tract.
  • Aid in the balance and homeostasis of the organism.
  • Promote healthy aging and improve the quality of life in old age.
  • Improve the performance of some of the body functions.
  • Replace energy and nutrients that help reduce the loss of lean mass and muscle strength that occur in the aging process.

(In Brazil): 

      Only the specialized professional, such as the nutritionist, can guide the need to use food supplements, the ideal amount, time, when and how to take it, as he is the most qualified professional for this purpose. In addition, there is a set of individual information that must be collected for an adequate prescription (Confortin et al., 2017). 

     We can prescribe: vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids, lipids and fatty acids, carbohydrates and fibers, as long as the maximum safety levels determined by ANVISA are respected, as described in Table 2.1 (CFN, 2006).

    The use of food supplements without proper guidance can bring risks to the individual's health due to misuse, which can overload the liver and affect cardiovascular, neurological, kidney problems, among others.

Schedule your appointment to check your need for supplementation.


Written by nutritionist Simone Carrera

(CRN: 7532) 

Instagram: @nutri_simonecarrera 

Translated by Unstoppable Team. 

(For questions or suggestions contact by email lifestyleunstoppable@gmail.com )


Check it out our “Catalog,” to buy your vitamins, and follow us on Instagram @unstoppable.vitamins for more healthy daily tips.

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