Mediterranean Diet and Europeans Lifestyle

Mediterranean Diet and European Lifestyle


🇺🇸 - Mediterranean Diet and European Lifestyle

This is just a general overview about Mediterranean Diet and European Lifestyle. This means that we are not referring about every single European, and we highly respect and understand every person has their own preferences, and lifestyle. Enjoy the article ;)

Mediterranean Diet-

Have you ever wondered what is the healthiest diet? Although nowadays, we have many kinds of diets, the “Mediterranean Diet,” is still considered and known as one of the healthiest diets one can follow. According to the article “The Mediterranean Diet: A History of Health,” by Roberta Altomare, and other writers, published on US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, “The Mediterranean Diet has its origins in a portion of land considered unique in its kind, the Mediterranean basin, which historians call “the cradle of society” because within its geographical borders the entire history of the ancient world took place.”

The reason why it is considered very healthy is because of the diversity of vegetables, legumes, which are rich in fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates. And the kind of fats it offers, as for example, avocado, and salmon, which are fats, but healthy ones. The Mediterranean diet consists of a lot of fish, other seafood, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and wine. Yes, it is true about the carbohydrates. But let's go by parts. Before talking about anything else, here are some examples of foods a Mediterranean diet consists of.

A Basic Overview about Mediterranean Diet

Photos by- Creme De La Crumb, Eatwell101, 29HM_Food-Photography-Brocolli…, Sani's Seeds Seed Company, Dr. Josh Axe,

Sand in My Suitcase, Parties-Groceries-a cute

French village and Claire's shop, Jess- Paleo Grubs.

Unstoppable lifestyle.

Physical Activity and its Impact-

You might be asking yourself, “Why is there a bike in the middle of a bunch of foods?” I won't romanticize people only ride bikes in Europe. However, in many places it is true that it can be easier. Besides taking the subway, and train, riding bike, can be a great option in many Europeans' daily lives. Depending on where one lives, things can be closer to each other, therefore people don't necessarily need to drive. The opposite of Florida, for example. Even though places aren't necessarily far away, on many occasions, you have to drive due to the roads.

It is impossible to talk about a healthy eating without talking about physical activity. Together, they combine and supplement each other, offering you a healthier way of living. Part of the Mediterranean diet, and the advantage of many places in Europe, is because physical activity plays a big role in European lives, perhaps without them even realizing it. Riding bikes can be a great way to exercise.


Although Mediterranean diet is very focused on olive oil, wine, great vegetables, and fish, we cannot deny there are other types of carbohydrates very consumed in meals as pizza and pasta, for example. Italy, is a country with such characteristics. The difference is that in many places in Europe, as Italy, for example, cooking can be a tradition in many families. But I am not talking about cooking once a week, rather constantly cooking.

Making Gnocchi.

Photo owned by Lifestyle Unstoppable.

Cooking your own meal can be healthier than buying industrialized foods. This tradition, many people still follow and carry with their families. The second thing we cannot forget about, is that it is true they consume industrialized foods, and red meat. After all, they are human beings just like us, and it will be natural to sometimes escape the healthy lifestyle, and consume the practical. After all, not everyone has the time to cook.

The Cons about Europeans' Daily Lives and Mediterranean Diet-

In Madrid, Spain- for example, there are traditional dishes that consist of red meat, like the “Callos a la Madrileña,” and “Cordero Asado,” for example. But the question is… “Do they consume more red meat compared to other countries, for example?” If we are gonna talk about the United States, this can be a hard question. In the US, red meat and simple carbohydrates can be easily more consumed compared to many countries in Europe (in general). According to Statista, “The US consumption of beef amounted to 27.3 billion pounds in 2019.” Even though the high intake of red meat can be inflammatory, it is still part of many people's lives. The secret is about trying to have balance.

Europeans can smoke and drink a lot. I know not every single one of them do, as I already mentioned above that this is just a general overview, but many people still have these habits. In an article, “Future Life Expectancy in Europe taking into Account the Impact of Smoking, Obesity, and Alcohol,” by Fanny Janssen and other writers, they say “The more favorable alcohol-related trends in Eastern Europe since 2005 have contributed to the convergence in life expectancy levels between Eastern and Western Europe. The stagnation in life expectancy improvements since approximately 2011 in the United States and the United Kingdom, but also in other selected European countries ( Murphy et al., 2019 ), can be partly attributed to the high obesity prevalence and obesity-attributable mortality in these countries ( Raleigh, 2019 ; Janssen et al., 2020a ; Janssen et al., 2020b ) and to the increasing impact on life expectancy levels of past large increases in obesity prevalence ( Vidra et al., 2019 ).”

Like I said earlier, we won't have a perfect “sick-free” society, and not every single person will follow that certain diet even though living in a place where most people follow that path. But because we are comparing Europe with other places, even though they still have these issues, we can see that they can still have a better balanced lifestyle in some aspects. The connection between the Mediterranean diet and Europeans is what we can hope for. This does not mean people won't struggle. People will live still eating industrialized foods, red meat, drinking alcohol, and smoking. However, the Mediterranean diet and the way Europeans consume red meat, for example, combining it with vegetables, and other fibers, for example, perhaps can give us a hope to try to explore similar ways of living like them, and decreasing the intake of these certain “toxic” foods.

By cooking more often, eating more seafoods like many of them still eat a lot, with vegetables, legumes, focusing on fruits as good sources of sweets than industrialized ones, and practicing exercises, can be a great way to live healthier.

A Sunny Day in Portugal, 2019.

I am blessed to have met wonderful Europeans from many countries, who taught me so much about stressing less, doing with love, and enjoying the simple moments with the ones you care about. I'm afraid to say, perhaps this can be just as healthy as a Mediterranean lifestyle. Maybe that's why many of them still have hope about the future, and show the world why they are here for. I love the people, the cultures, and how much we can learn from them. God bless this continent with all my heart, and so the rest of the world.

Enjoy this lifestyle with us.

20 European Dishes You Should Try :)-

Photo by TasteAtlas,

“20 Iconic European Dishes.”

Extra resources: 

-Written by Victoria Parada Daros, Health Coach.

🇪🇸 - Mediterranean Diet and European Lifestyle

This is just a general description of the Mediterranean diet and the European lifestyle. This means that we do not refer to all Europeans, and we respect and understand that each person has their own preferences and lifestyle. Enjoy the article;)

Mediterranean diet-

Have you ever asked yourself what is the healthiest diet? Even though today we have many types of diets, the “Mediterranean Diet” is still considered and known as one of the healthiest diets that can be followed. According to the article "The Mediterranean diet: a history of health", by Roberta Altomare and other writers, published in the Institutos Nacionales de Salud de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de EE. UU., "The Mediterranean diet has its origin in a portion of land considered unique in its species, the Mediterranean basin, which historians call “the culture of society” because within its geographic borders the entire history of the ancient world transcurs." .

The reason why it is considered very healthy is because of the diversity of vegetables, which are rich in fiber, proteins and complex carbohydrates. And the type of fat it offers, as for example water and salmon, which are fat, but healthy. The Mediterranean diet consists of lots of fish, other seafood, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and wine. Yes, be sure about carbohydrates. But let's go in parts. Before talking about anything else, here we give you some examples of foods that make up a Mediterranean diet.

A Basic Overview about Mediterranean Diet

Photos by- Creme De La Crumb, Eatwell101, 29HM_Food-Photography-Brocolli…, Sani's Seeds Seed Company, Dr. Josh Axe,

Sand in My Suitcase, Parties-Groceries-a cute

French village and Claire's shop, Jess- Paleo Grubs.

Unstoppable lifestyle.

Physical activity and its impact-

You might ask yourself: "Why is there a bicycle amidst a pile of food?" Don't romanticize people who only ride a bike in Europe. However, in many places it is certain that it could result in more speed. In addition to taking the metro and the train, cycling can be a great option in the daily lives of many Europeans. Depending on where you live, things can be more close to others, so people don't necessarily need to drive. The opposite of Florida, for example. Although places are not necessarily closed, there are many occasions when you have to drive on the roads.

It's impossible to talk about healthy eating without doing physical activity. Together, they combine and complement each other, offering a healthier way of life. Part of the Mediterranean diet, which is popular in many places in Europe, is where physical activity plays an important role in the lives of Europeans, even without it being reported. Cycling can be an excellent way to exercise.

At home-

Although the Mediterranean diet is very centered on olive oil, wine, excellent vegetables and fish, we cannot deny that there are other types of carbohydrates that are widely consumed in foods such as pizza and pasta, for example. Italy is a country with many characteristics. The difference is that in many places in Europe, like Italy, for example, cooking can be a tradition in many families. But I'm not talking about cooking once a week, but cooking constantly.

Making Gnocchi.

Photo owned by Lifestyle Unstoppable.

Cooking your own food can be healthier than buying processed foods. This tradition, many people still continued and carried it with their families. The second thing we cannot forget is that it is certain that they consume processed foods and red meats. After all, they are human beings like others, and it will be natural to sometimes escape the healthy lifestyle and consume it practically. This is because not everyone has time to cook.

The cons of the daily life of Europeans and the Mediterranean diet-

 In Madrid, Spain, for example, there are traditional dishes that consist of red meats, such as “Callos a la Madrileña”, and “Cordero Asado”, for example. But the question is... "Do you consume more red meat compared to other countries, for example?" If we are going to speak from the United States, this could be a difficult question. In EE. UU., Red meat and simple carbohydrates can be consumed more easily compared to many European countries (in general). According to Statista, "American consumption of beef rose to 27.3 billion pounds in 2019". Even though high intake of red meat can be inflammatory, it remains part of many people's lives. The secret consists of trying to maintain balance.

Europeans can smoke and drink a lot. Although not all of them, as previously mentioned, are just a general description, but many people still have these habits. In an article, "Hope for future life in Europe facing the impact of smoking, obesity and alcohol", by Fanny Janssen and other writers, they say "The most favorable trends related to alcohol in Eastern Europe since 2005 has contributed to the convergence in levels of hope in life between Eastern and Western Europe. al., 2019), it can be attributed in part to the high prevalence of obesity and mortality attributable to obesity in these countries (Raleigh, 2019; Janssen et al., 2020a; Janssen et al., 2020b) and al. increasingly greater impact on life expectancy levels from large past increases in the prevalence of obesity (Vidra et al., 2019)."

As I said before, we will not have a perfect society "free from illness", and not all people will follow this determined diet even though they live in a place where the majority of people follow this path. But because we are comparing Europe with other places, even though we still have these problems, we can see that we can still have a more balanced lifestyle in some aspects. The connection between the Mediterranean diet and Europeans is what we can see hope for. This doesn't mean that we don't have problems there. People will continue to live eating processed foods, red meats, drinking alcohol and smoking. However, the Mediterranean diet and the way in which Europeans consume red meats, for example, combining them with vegetables and other fibers, for example, can give us the hope of trying to explore forms of life similar to them and reduce the intake of These are certain "toxic" foods.

If you cook more frequently, eat more seafood like a lot of them, but eat a lot, with vegetables, vegetables, focus on fruits like lots of sweets that are processed and exercise, it can be an excellent way to live healthier.

A Sunny Day in Portugal, 2019.

I have the good fortune of meeting wonderful Europeans from many countries, who taught me a lot about stressing less, having love and enjoying tender moments with your loved ones. I'm afraid I might decide that this could be as healthy as a Mediterranean lifestyle. Perhaps this is why many of them still have hope for the future and show the world why they are here. I love people, cultures and how much we can learn from them. May God bless this continent with all my heart, and also the rest of the world.

Enjoy this lifestyle with us!

20 European dishes you should try :) -

Photo by TasteAtlas,

“20 Iconic European Dishes.”

Extra features: 

-Written by Victoria Parada Daros, Health Coach.

🇧🇷 - Mediterranean Diet and European Lifestyle

This is just a general description about the Mediterranean diet and the European lifestyle. This means that we are not referring to all Europeans, and we respect and understand that each person has their own preferences and lifestyle. Good reading ;)

Mediterranean diet-

Have you ever wondered what the healthiest diet is? Although we have many types of diets today, the “Mediterranean Diet” is still considered and known as one of the healthiest diets one can follow. According to the article “The Mediterranean Diet: A History of Health”, by Roberta Altomare, and other writers, published in the National Library of Medicine of the United States, National Institutes of Health, “The Mediterranean diet has its origins in a portion of land considered unique in its kind, the Mediterranean basin, which historians call “the cradle of society” because within its geographical borders the entire history of the ancient world took place. ”

The reason why it is considered very healthy is the diversity of vegetables, legumes, which are rich in fiber, proteins and complex carbohydrates. And the type of fats it offers, such as avocado and salmon, which are fats, but healthy. The Mediterranean diet consists of lots of fish, other seafood, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and wine. Yes, it's true about carbs. But let's go in parts. Before talking about anything else, here are some examples of foods that a Mediterranean diet consists of.

A Basic Overview about Mediterranean Diet

Photos by- Creme De La Crumb, Eatwell101, 29HM_Food-Photography-Brocolli…, Sani's Seeds Seed Company, Dr. Josh Axe,

Sand in My Suitcase, Parties-Groceries-a cute

French village and Claire's shop, Jess- Paleo Grubs.

Unstoppable lifestyle.

Physical Activity and its Impact-

You may be wondering, "Why is there a bicycle in the middle of a pile of food?" I'm not going to romanticize that people only ride bicycles in Europe. However, in many places, it is true that it can be easier. In addition to taking the subway, train, cycling, it can be a great option in the daily lives of many Europeans. Depending on where a person lives, things may be closer to each other, so people don't necessarily need to drive. The opposite of Florida, for example. Even though places are not necessarily far away, on many occasions, you have to drive due to the roads.

It is impossible to talk about healthy eating without talking about physical activity. Together, they come together and help each other, offering you a healthier way to live. Part of the Mediterranean diet, and the advantage of many places in Europe, is because physical activity plays a big role in the lives of Europeans, perhaps without them even realizing it. Cycling can be a great way to exercise.


Although the Mediterranean diet is very focused on olive oil, wine, great vegetables and fish, we cannot deny that there are other types of carbohydrates that are widely consumed in meals, such as pizza and pasta, for example. Italy is a country with such characteristics. The difference is that in many places in Europe, like Italy, for example, cooking can be a tradition in many families. But I'm not talking about cooking once a week, but cooking constantly.

Making Gnocchi.

Photo owned by Lifestyle Unstoppable.


Cooking your own meals can be healthier than buying processed foods. This tradition, many people still follow and carry on with their families. The second thing we cannot forget is that it is true that Europeans consume processed foods and red meat. After all, they are human beings like us, and it will be natural to sometimes stray from a healthy lifestyle and consume what is practical. Even because not everyone has time to cook.

The Cons About Europeans’ Daily Life and Mediterranean Diet-

      In Madrid, Spain - for example, there are traditional dishes consisting of red meat, such as “Callos a la Madrileña”, and “Cordero Asado”, for example. But the question is… “Do they consume more red meat compared to other countries, for example?” If we are going to talk about the United States, this may be a difficult question. In the US, red meat and simple carbohydrates can easily be consumed more compared to many countries in Europe (in general). According to Statista, “U.S. beef consumption was 27.3 billion pounds in 2019.” Even though high red meat intake can be inflammatory, it is still a part of many people's lives. The secret is to try to have balance.

Europeans can smoke and drink a lot. I know that not everyone has these habits- as I mentioned above that this is just a general overview, but many people still have these habits. In an article, “Future life expectancy in Europe taking into account the impact of smoking, obesity and alcohol”, by Fanny Janssen and other writers, they say “The more favorable alcohol-related trends in Eastern Europe since 2005 have contributed for the convergence in life expectancy levels between Eastern and Western Europe. The stagnation in improvements in life expectancy since approximately 2011 in the United States and the United Kingdom, but also in other selected European countries (Murphy et al., 2019), may be partially attributed to the high prevalence of obesity and obesity-attributable mortality in these countries (Raleigh, 2019; Janssen et al., 2020a; Janssen et al., 2020b) and the increasing impact on life expectancy levels of previous large increases in obesity prevalence (Vidra et al., 2019). ”

As I said before, we will not have a perfect “0 disease prone” society and not every person will follow this right diet, even if we live in a place where most people follow this path. But because we are comparing Europe to other places, Even though they still have these problems, we can see that they can still have a more balanced lifestyle in some ways. The connection between the Mediterranean diet and Europeans is that we can see hope. It doesn't mean that people won't have difficulty. People will still live by eating processed foods, red meat, drinking alcohol and smoking. However, the Mediterranean diet and the way Europeans consume red meat, for example, combining it with vegetables, and other fibers, for example, may perhaps give us hope to try to explore similar ways of living like them, reducing our intake of these certain “toxic” foods.

By cooking more frequently, eating more seafood as many of them still eat a lot, with vegetables, focusing on fruits as good sources of sweets than processed foods and exercising can be a great way to live healthier.

A Sunny Day in Portugal, 2019.

I was lucky enough to meet wonderful Europeans from many countries, who taught me a lot about how to stress less, do things with love and enjoy simple moments with the people you care about. I'm afraid to say, maybe this could be as healthy as a Mediterranean lifestyle. Maybe that's why many of them still have hope about the future and show the world why they are here. I love people, cultures and how much we can learn from them. God bless this continent with all my heart and also the rest of the world.

Enjoy this lifestyle with us!

20 European dishes you must try :) -

Photo by TasteAtlas,

“20 Iconic European Dishes.”

Extra sources: 

-Written by Victoria Parada Daros, Health Coach.

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