Foods that Help with Immunity by Nutritionist Simone Carrera (CRN 7532)

Foods that Help with Immunity by Nutritionist Simone Carrera (CRN 7532)

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Here are some foods that help increase our immunity:

To help the immune system, before resorting to medication, I cite below some foods that can help increase your immunity:

Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, orange, acerola, kiwi, lychee, tomato, as well as broccoli, cabbage, ginger, green and red peppers.

Photo by Zazzle- on Pinterest.

Folic Acid: Broccoli, kale, spinach are rich in folic acid. The nutrient helps in the formation of white blood cells, responsible for the body's defense, and can also be found in beans, mushrooms (such as shimeji and shiitake), and liver meat.

Photo by A Beautiful Plate “Best Roasted 

Broccoli Recipe.” -on Pinterest. 

Zinc: Meat, whole grains, nuts, seeds and pulses (beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas.)

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable. 

Meal made with sweet potato,

 vegetables, and red meat.

Vitamin E: Nuts, chestnuts, almonds and vegetable oils (sunflower, wheat germ, corn and canola.) It is beneficial for the elderly, acting to combat the decrease in immune activity due to age.

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable.

Omega 3 helps arteries stay away from inflammation, helping immunity.

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable. 

Poke made with japonese rice, edamame,

 sesame, cucumber, and salmon.” 

Selenium like Brazil nut and mushrooms.

Photo by A Casa Encantada “Como Congelar Cogumelo.” 

Garlic for being rich in vitamin A, C and E- Garlic is a strong ally to strengthen the immune system. 

“5 Photography Ideas for Grocery!” on Pinterest.

Onion is rich in allicin, is anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiparasitic, antibacterial and antifungal substances.

Photo by Etsy “Rare Romanian Online Seeds- CLUJANA.” 

Jelly is a superfood packed with nutrients, phytochemicals and antioxidants, when consumed on an empty stomach, it boosts immunity as it contains high concentrations of vitamins, especially vitamin C and the B complex.

Photo by The Delicious Plate “Strawberry Chia Jam-

The Delicious Plate.”

Coconut oil contains lauric acid and capric acid, present in coconut oil, has the property of modulating the immune system.

Photo by Tuulia Talvio “Homemade Body

 Butter + Tips for Using Coconut Oil.” 

An increase in fiber will help to quickly move and excrete toxins in the intestines. 

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable. 

When we consume too much, sugar and/or alcohol are the main culprits for reducing the body's ability to produce white blood cells. To cut back, try low-alcohol alternatives and alternate each alcoholic drink with a glass of water.

-Nutris’ tips

Written by the nutritionist Simone Carrera (CRN 7532) 

🇪🇸 - 

Aquí hay algunos alimentos que ayudan a aumentar nuestra inmunidad:

Para ayudar al sistema inmunológico, antes de recurrir a la medicación, cito a continuación algunos alimentos que pueden ayudar a aumentar tu inmunidad:

Vitamina C: Cítricos, naranja, acerola, kiwi, lichi, tomate, así como brócoli, col, jengibre, pimientos verdes y rojos.

Photo by Zazzle- on Pinterest. 

Ácido fólico: el brócoli, la col rizada y las espinacas son ricos en ácido fólico. El nutriente ayuda en la formación de glóbulos blancos, responsables de las defensas del cuerpo, y también se puede encontrar en frijoles, setas (como shimeji y shiitake) y carne de hígado.

Photo by A Beautiful Plate “Best Roasted 

Broccoli Recipe.” -on Pinterest.

Zinc: carne, cereales integrales, frutos secos, semillas y legumbres (frijoles, lentejas, guisantes, garbanzos).

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable. 

Meal made with sweet potato,

 vegetables, and red meat.

Vitamina E: Frutos secos, castañas, almendras y aceites vegetales (girasol, germen de trigo, maíz y canola). Es beneficiosa para las personas mayores, actuando para combatir la disminución de la actividad inmunológica debida a la edad.

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable. 

Omega 3 ayuda a las arterias a mantenerse alejadas de la inflamación, ayudando a la inmunidad.

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable 

Poke made with japonese rice, edamame,

 sesame, cucumber, and salmon.” 

Selenio como nuez de Brasil y champiñones.

Photo by A Casa Encantada 

“Como Congelar Cogumelo.” 

Ajo por ser rico en vitamina A, C y E- El ajo es un fuerte aliado para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico.

“5 Photography Ideas for Grocery!” on Pinterest.

La cebolla es rica en alicina, sustancias antiinflamatorias, antivirales, antiparasitarias, antibacterianas y antifúngicas.

Photo by Etsy “Rare Romanian Online Seeds- CLUJANA.”

La jalea es un superalimento lleno de nutrientes, fitoquímicos y antioxidantes, cuando se consume con el estómago vacío, aumenta la inmunidad ya que contiene altas concentraciones de vitaminas, especialmente vitamina C y complejo B.

Photo by The Delicious Plate “Strawberry Chia Jam-

The Delicious Plate.”

El aceite de coco contiene ácido láurico y ácido cáprico, presentes en el aceite de coco, que tiene la propiedad de modular el sistema inmunológico.

Photo by Tuulia Talvio “Homemade Body

 Butter + Tips for Using Coconut Oil.”

Un aumento en la fibra ayudará a moverse rápidamente y excretar toxinas en los intestinos.

 Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppale. 

Cuando consumimos demasiado, el azúcar y/o el alcohol son los principales culpables de reducir la capacidad del cuerpo para producir glóbulos blancos. Para reducir, pruebe alternativas bajas en alcohol y alterne cada bebida alcohólica con un vaso de agua.

- Consejos de Nutri.

Escrito por nutricionista Simone Carrera (CRN 7532) 

🇧🇷 - 

Veja alguns alimentos que ajudam a aumentar nossa Imunidade: 

Para auxiliar o sistema imunológico, antes de recorrer aos medicamentos, cito abaixo alguns alimentos que podem ajudar a aumentar sua imunidade: 


Vitamina C: Frutas cítricas, laranja, acerola, kiwi, lichia, tomate, além de brócolis, couve, gengibre, pimentão verde e vermelho. 

Photo by Zazzle- on Pinterest.

Acido Fólico: Brócolis, couve, espinafre são ricos em ácido fólico. O nutriente auxilia na formação de glóbulos brancos, responsáveis pela defesa do organismo, e também pode ser encontrado no feijão, cogumelos (como o shimeji e o shiitake), e a carne de fígado. 

Photo by A Beautiful Plate “Best Roasted 

Broccoli Recipe.” -on Pinterest.

Zinco: Carne, cereais integrais, castanhas, sementes e leguminosas (feijão, lentilha, ervilha, grão de bico.) 

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable. 

Meal made with sweet potato,

 vegetables, and red meat.

Vitamina E: As nozes, castanhas, amêndoas e óleos vegetais (de girassol, gérmen de trigo, milho e canola.) Ela é benéfica para os idosos, agindo no combate à diminuição da atividade imunológica por conta da idade. 

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable. 

O ômega 3 auxilia as artérias a permanecerem longe de inflamações, ajudando a imunidade. 

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppable 

Poke made with japonese rice, edamame,

 sesame, cucumber, and salmon.” 

Selênio como a castanha-do-Pará e cogumelos. 

Photo by A Casa Encantada 

“Como Congelar Cogumelo.” 

Alho por ser rico em vitamina A, C e E- Alho é um forte aliado para reforçar o sistema imunológico. 

“5 Photography Ideas for Grocery!” on Pinterest.

Cebola é rica em alicina, substâncias anti-inflamatórias, antivirais, antiparasitárias, antibacterianas e antifúngicas. 

Photo by Etsy “Rare Romanian Online Seeds- CLUJANA.” 

A geleia real é um superalimento recheado de nutrientes, fitoquímicos e antioxidantes, ao ser consumida em jejum, ela aumenta a imunidade por conter altas concentrações de vitaminas, principalmente a vitamina C e do complexo B. 

Photo by The Delicious Plate “Strawberry Chia Jam-

The Delicious Plate.” 

Óleo de coco contem o ácido láurico e o ácido cáprico, presentes no óleo de coco, tem a propriedade de modular o sistema imunológico. 

Photo by Tuulia Talvio “Homemade Body

 Butter + Tips for Using Coconut Oil.”

Um aumento de fibra ajudará a movimentar e excretar rapidamente as toxinas no intestino. 

Photo owned and created by Lifestyle Unstoppale. 

Quando consumimos em excesso, o açúcar e/ou o álcool são os principais culpados pela redução da capacidade do corpo de produzir glóbulos brancos. Para reduzir, experimente alternativas de baixo teor alcoólico e alterne cada bebida alcoólica com um copo de água. 

-Dicas da Nutri. 

Escrito por nutricionista Simone Carrera, (CRN 7532) 

Instagram: @lifestyle_unstoppable / Buy your vitamins! They are waiting for you. Check it out on "Catalog,"page. 

Instagram: @lifestyle_unstoppable / Buy your vitamins! They are waiting for you. Check it out on "Catalog,"page. 



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